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Comment Re:In Iraq? (Score 1) 435

Car heaven is where the mechanics are German, the drivers are Italian, and the leather is maintained by a British butler.

In heaven, the lovers are Italian, the cooks are French, the Germans make the cars, the Swiss are the Bankers, and the British are the police.

In hell, the Swiss are the lovers, the Italians make the cars, the French are the bankers, the British are the cooks, and the Germans are the police.

Comment Re:How obvious does the news have to be? (Score 2) 710

Radical socialist nations got that way under the leadership of and influence of famously rich and exploitative people who united people under the promise of equality and utopia and are somehow suprised when their government takes away their freedom and points guns at them all the time. How many nations ended up like this?

Sweden, for example?

Comment Re:Government control of our lives... (Score 1) 155

They need to ask permission because the FAA specifically banned such behavior last month.

Gone are the days, when pursuit of happiness was understood as a natural right granted to each human being not by their government, but by the Creator.

Mod parent up. We all know that God specifically wanted airspace full of unlicensed pilots operating entirely without rules. Yeee Haw!

Comment Re: Murphy says no. (Score 5, Funny) 265

This guy probably is the tech but is wanting to spend more time with his family or something.

Probably settled down too fast and can't get a better job now. My advice: don't settle down and quit using your wife and children as excuses for your career failures because they'll grow to hate you for it.

Congratulations! You're management material!

Comment Re:Wish I could say I was surprised (Score 2) 178

.It is reasonable for scientists in the pay of the public to be required at intervals to publish tts or at least what they were currently doing over the past few months or year or whatever interval is deemed reasonable.

Dear NEJM: For the last six months, I mostly sat around in my office, read Slashdot, and mined Bitcoin on the cluster.

Comment Re:What we need... (Score 1) 235

Just slow down, be patient, and there won't be an accident.

If you slow down to change lanes, then you only make the matter worse, and that much more difficult to safely merge.

Who said anything about changing lanes? If the cyclist in front of you is signaling a left, you wait behind them until it is safe to proceed. Bear in mind that legally speaking, merging requires that you are already moving with the flow of traffic in the target lane, and that other vehicles will not need to slow down to accommodate you because of your speed

No, and no. As long as there is sufficient space between you and following traffic to move left and take the lane, that traffic is absolutely required to slow to accommodate your speed. Why is it so fucking hard to understand that vehicles are not obligated to travel at the speed limit just because you're too muck of a dick to slow down for thirty seconds or so?

Comment Re:What we need... (Score 1) 235

If there is an accident, all they would ever have to do is say that you changed lanes and pulled in front of them. Bam... it's instantly your fault unless either you had video evidence showing that you had signalled in plenty of time to indicate your intent, and that you had completely finished merging and were travelling safely in that lane otherwise (which is possible of the car behind you had a dash cam, and if the insurance company knows about it being there, they may ask to review the footage), or enough witnesses to the accident who would say that the fault was clearly that of the other driver and not you.

Of course, if you were already fully in the lane and somebody rear ends you anyway, it would literally be murder (or attempted murder if you survived). Luckily, very very few drivers will actually murder another road user in cold blood.

Comment Re:What we need... (Score 3, Insightful) 235

Whether they are "entitled" to use it or not is irrelevant if they cannot safely enter the lane in the first place, because cars move much faster than bicycles, preventing a cyclist from being able to change lanes from the rightmost lane (designated bike lane) to the leftmost without causing an accident that they would actually be considered entirely at fault for.

Going slower than the traffic behind you wants to go is not "causing" an accident. What causes accidents is idiotic responses to a slow vehicle in the lane. Just slow down, be patient, and there won't be an accident.

Comment Re:What we need... (Score 1) 235

To leave the bike lane, you still have to yield to vehicles that are not in the process of changing lanes. Since cars are typically moving faster than you, you generally wouldn't be able to do this safely unless there was absolutely no other traffic moving in the same direction (which isn't impossible, but is unlikely on a road that has high enough traffic volumes that it would warrant having a controlled intersection), and if you got rear-ended by a car while you were trying change lanes, you would be 100% at fault for the collision.

Once you have merged left and taken the lane, any traffic behind you must yield right of way (i.e. slow down) to you. They can't just indiscriminately run you over and say its your fault because you're going slower than they are. Bikes have the right to use the full lane when it is necessary for safe operation of the bicycle, and that includes making a left turn.

Going slower than the speed limit in the center of the lane is not illegal, for a car or for a bike. And it certainly shouldn't be punished with the death penalty.

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