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Comment Re:Fake free market argument (Score 1) 1146

They argue that if the new ones really are so good, people will buy them on their own without being forced to do so.

If we had pollution and carbon taxes, that might be a valid argument. But we don't, and so people have no reason to take into account all the damage they're causing. With such massive externalities, any appeal to free market principles is a straw man.

Nuclear power. /thread

Comment Re:You are overstaffed (Score 1) 383

300 desktops/laptops, 800 mobile devices (iOS, Android, BlackBerry, Qualcom MCP200) and the phone system as well. There are multiple other systems as well, but I won't go into detail...

I could go on and on, but it's pretty obvious that the OP is overstaffed. The manager needs to manage, and they need to automate repetitive tasks, and use a ticket system.

Comment You are overstaffed (Score 1) 383

I'm the Director of IT for my company. 1,000 employees, 15 physical servers, 6 ESXi hosts, countless VM's, 12 locations around the country. We have a total of 4 people in IT. Exchange, SQL, Windows, Linux, massive SAN, you name it - we probably have it.

Be careful when talking to management. You might get downsized.

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If I set here and stare at nothing long enough, people might think I'm an engineer working on something. -- S.R. McElroy
