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Comment Self-modifying BASIC (Score 1) 729

My dad and I wrote a BASIC interpreter for the IBM PC in the '80s called BBasic, based on the Acorn BBC Micro dialect. BBC BASIC had an "EVAL" function, where it took a string and interpreted it as an expression. I persuaded dad that we should expand this functionality to an EXEC statement, that would take a string and interpret it as BASIC commands. If you put a line number at the start of the string, it would insert the code in the string into the program that was running - so you could have self-modifying BASIC code. There was one restriction, that if any of the points in the call stack were prior to the inserted statement, then it would fall over in a very untidy heap.

It actually turned out to be pretty useful, the one used that I can remember was to store persistent data within the program itself, and you could save a program as an executable that included a runtime interpreter.

Comment Re:Maybe (Score 4, Insightful) 264

I prefer the idea of cameras on cops. In the city I live in, I have witnessed many criminal acts by police, they have been caught in criminal acts AND I know others affected by their criminal acts. Make them wear them like an electronic bitch bracelet. When the next President( who will be the one who promises to castrate the NSA) decommissions the server farm storage they have with our records on, they can be used to store police footage in perpetuity. Then maybe the NSA could be redirected to making sure we are secure against law enforcement. You know, something useful for a change.

Comment Re:Talking Point (Score 1) 427

Dropping weed prices would facilitate a healthier definitely,longer lasting and arguably more potent, in some cases, high. Food, nutritious and delicious and topical unguents , as well. Whatever isn't used for the industrial hemp is fed to livestock. Marijuana has potential as a superfood. Food, cloth, paper, medicine,machine oil and more.
If the CO2 isn't lost in some process, then it stands to reason we have the same amount of CO2 as we began with. I believe outdoor marijuana grown far longer than a minimal 12 week cycle would convert more CO2 than it produces. Elsewise, other plants are no better and this is all a delusion we've been laboring under in Dark City.....

Comment Re:Talking Point (Score 1) 427

You got a point, any old activist can yell "foul" from the security of their paranoia, but, it takes some checks and balances to even begin compiling criteria to even begin figuring out projections, that even resemble reality.
On the other hand, I understand, that marijuana LOVES CO2 and replaces oxygen nicely. Therefore, we should all invest heavily in the Industrial, medical, recreational marijuana industries and limit the amount of soil depleting cotton we grow, by legislation, if necessary.
THIS is realistically within reach, especially if the U.N. gets off their granny panties and tears up that silly treaty that bans this potentially world saving plant.

Comment Re:Anthropometrics (Score 2) 819

No, no, the answer is TO ADAPT. Excercise human flexibility by solving the problem. Don't rely on some consortium to come up with some soft answer that doesn't promote Darwinian progress!
Simply do this; pull a clean handkerchief and that bottle marked skin cleanser from your in-flight luggage. Pour the chloroform you secreted inside the bottle on the kerchief and apply it to the breathing intake of the offending recliner, who has put himself in an ergonomic position for the procedure. Then, when the sedation sets in, merely shove his chair forward to create a luxuriant amount of knee room. This eliminates any messy arguments, complaining or inconvenience. Blessed are the peacemakers....

Comment Re:A little scary (Score 1) 188

Just another example of why newsclowns are worthless and make themselves enemies of the people.
It's the same with D.C. If they don't print positive things or at least cover up the bullshit, they won't get any more stories from the ruling sector.
Don't expect to actually get news, truth, valuable information or anything useful from THE NEWS. It is phonier than "The Osbornes" and only barely hints at actual events.
Even local newsclowns are satisfied with spewing out their versions of local stories. Most of the time they do NO rigor to verify the facts and will employ their lawyers to discredit anyone spouting the truth in variance to their assertions.
Newsclowns are a worse, more present enemy to us all than any Jihadist, North Korean, or policeman. They control information to the advantage of those who've put themselves in authority. Fuck the press, they don't deserve freedom, they deserve nuke waste enemas, the lot of them.
Know your enemies.

Comment Re:disastrous (Score 2) 97

Odd, whenever I need bulk guitar hardware, I have had NO trouble ordering from sellers on Alibaba. I needn't tell you that I continue to order because that's where I get the best price.
Yes, it is culturally different to do business with Chinese, but, gotta admit, they do try to westernize their service. You have to remember, it is an Eastern mindset behind it all. That means fewer frills and a hurry up and do business @ lowest cost mentality over finessing the customer with the latest HTML tricks.
If you could actually afford it, it would be a great investment, Alibaba isn't new or struggling by any measure. They ARE huge and amount to Ebay Asia for mfg/wholesale applications as well as individual retail purchases. When I don't want my instruments to have the same old shit as every other craft manufacturer, let alone the majors, I go there to source.

Comment Re:game developers take note (Score 2) 89

I think you could compare the Quake engine to the M1911a1
It found perfect utility in few revisions. Most every other handgun of its type is based on it now. It remains fairly unchanged, yet extensible. Sport, self defense or war, it is the modern standard for the handgun. Quake has found much utility that has kept Id in good company with various technologies, developers, researchers that all add some code that may or may not be useful for present gaming, but could find its way in the future. I'd say they have invested and reinvested this game on top of all the returns they have already had from it. Carmack must be quite visionary. It reminds me of a farmer adding manure/compost back to the soil rather than hauling off waste. It is reinvested in the soil to produce future returns. Publicity, investment, research,product all go hand in hand in a symbiotic way. Carmack is only applying universal truths.

Comment Re:paleo-racists (Score 2) 57

If the legends in the folk music of Led Zeppelin is correct. I hypothesize that they merely migrated to "where they could twist and shout". This ain't genocide, it's rock and roll!

In other thoughts; I met an Alaska Indian once that told me a good way to get the shit kicked out of me; was to call an Alaska Indian "an Eskimo". Isn't a whole lot of help in figuring out why, Dan, the Alaskan Indian, however shed a bit of light on it. Eskimos
were still pretty traditional, hunting ,fishing, whaling, doing their gig until a 1922 documentary about an Inuit, "Nanook" showed people the cold ass primitive culture and made them all weepy-like. By the 50s, schoolkids had written enough letters to the whitehouse, that the Eskimos received aid. Housing, food, stipends, electricity,finally they managed televisions. The hunting , fishing and traditional jazz was out the window and a new breed of Eskimo had come to reign.
The Welfare sucking drunk-ass Eskimo was born, and seldom left the house or did anything worthwhile. Dan never hit me, but it made me think of cultural problems that have been around for thousands of years. Lol, he was a 2 beer drunk.

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