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Comment Re:flash/disk/tape ratios still stand (Score 4, Insightful) 183

This is a little short sighted. Video files are not th eonly kinds of file that have grown demonstrably larger over time, due to "hey, everyone has the spaces these days, let's fill it! It's CHEAP!" being a development consideration.

Be it audio files (FLAAC vs MP3), Images (jpg vs png vs bmp vs RAW), Documents (RTF vs DOC vs DOCX) 3D object files (OBJ vs MAX vs BLEND) and of course, application files (I've seen 10mb and larger DLLs and other libraries become commonplace these days, where previously they were a few kilobytes to meg or two, with 5mb being 'large')

What you mean to say, is that 1TB is more than enough for anyone, "right now."

4 years from now, not so much.

Comment Re:Wrong problem to focus on (Score 1) 158

I haven't been impacted by illegal drug lords in Mexico, either here in the states or while traveling in Mexico. I have been impacted by getting stopped by the border patrol and their sniffing dogs. Sounds like money going to Mexican drug lords is a Mexican problem.

I guess you haven't figured out that a nation run by large violent drug cartels and a wave of immigration from that nation might be related. If you want to stop the poor immigrants from washing into our country (mind you, I'm not convinced that's a problem), then work to make Mexico less of a failed state, and that has to involve working against the drug cartels.

Comment Re:HR? What HR? (Score 0) 278

Perhaps, perhaps not.

As the AC that also responded pointed out, you know nothing of how they spend their own time. Your argument can be boiled down to a version of the broken window fallacy, in which you are a glazier, and thus value broken windows, regardless of the outcome.

You are discounting how your business can benefit by the more efficient utilization of the time and energy of people who do not get your blessing to become your employee; The coder you dont hire, that develops the next big thing in cryptography, because he misspelled something. The musical genius that produces the next major record hit, that powers the recording studio you have as a client that ends up paying your bills. Etc.

How many of THEIR minutes are you accounting for in your value determination? How many minutes do you waste, which result in economy-wide changes in potential, because of your own laziness?

Have you ever contemplated it before?

Realistically, the best solution is one which wastes the least amount of time on both sides of the equation because it results in the greatest potential in both your own direct market potential, and your indirect market potential. Your insistence on not seeing this only demonstrates that you do not understand the real value of time as a monetary metric.

The more time people spend engaged in producing and engaging in the marketplace, and the less time they spend trying to win the lottery by being the lucky one person who gets the job, directly correlates to lost income for you. You are just too blind to see it. This is ESPECIALLY true when there are HUGE disparities in the time expended on each side of the equation.

If you have 10,000 applicants, and your laziness costs them an extra half hour PER APPLICANT, you just wasted 5000 man-hours of market potential.

If your system is adopted by other hiring directors, the number only gets bigger.

Since the applicants engaging in the process represent some semi-random slice of the total market population, you can arrive at an estimation of the lost market activity you are directly causing.

The question is, after doing so, is your time REALLY more valuable than the sum loss you have incurred?

(Or is it really just a fairytale that you tell yourself at night?)

Comment Re:Ketonic diet (Score 1) 111

Did you have reduced liver or renal function?

Here's a little tip:

Ketonic diets make excessive use of liver function to produce the ketone bodies that get substituted in cellular metabolism for glucose.


While in normal, healthy people the levels of produced acetone and other biproducts of ketosis are well within the body's ability to safely process and eliminate, renal failure restricts the body's ability to eliminate even normal waste products, such as urea, from the blood. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/R...

Engaging in a diet that is known to increase the production rate of these compounds, while suffering from a disorder that either 1) affects the liver's ability to even create these bodies as an energy source to begin with, or 2) affects the body's ability to dispose of the resulting reactive waste compounds, is a no-brainer for being a bad idea.

In the first, you can starve to death while eating lots of fat, and in the second you pickle yourself and can severely damage already chronically affected vital organs. (Acetone, one of the metabolites of ketosis, is known to damage kidney function in high concentrations. Reduced renal function results in higher than normal syrum concentrations of metabolites, which would include the acetone produced during ketosis. Many people with impaired renal function are not aware of it.)


Since you may feel perfectly healthy, and have impaired renal function and not even know it, (especially when one considers the risks associated with being obese in relation to renal disorders-- http://jasn.asnjournals.org/co... -- when coupled with the reason why one would engage in a ketogenic diet to begin with) you could very well be making a hidden but malignant condition worse.

Besides, asking your health care provider before doing *ANYTHING* extreme is simply good medicine.

Comment Re:HR? What HR? (Score 1, Flamebait) 278

What I find distasteful, is the inherent duplicity involved with "My time is valuable" when uttered in this context.

For every minute you "avoid wasting", you force how many other people to waste how many of their minutes? How much MORE valuable is YOUR time, to THEIRS?

How do you justify this disparity?

More poignantly, how do you justify this, when parsing technology exists in such a fashion as to allow automatic population of your presented high-level form that YOU read, without forcibly requiring your applicants to MANUALLY populate redundant entries on your application forms?

The option that wastes the least amount of time total, is to implement it correctly, so that information is asked for once, and populates it in many places automatically, so that no matter where the reviewer chooses to look preferentially, they will find the exact same data.

But that clearly makes too much sense; Everyone is too lazy to do it the demonstrably correct way, and as long as any one side of the issue can claim an advantage to leverage in doing the least amount of work, the issue will always persist.

Efficiency extends beyond just "It makes MY job easier!" It extends to the whole system, and what most improves useful results. There is a terrible problem with managerial myopia in this respect; Managers dont like being told that their policies are demonstrably poor-- Even more, they find ways to fire people that can actually prove it.

What I am getting at here, is that the root of this whole problem, is the idea that "I am the manager, and thus my will is of the highest impact, no other considerations matter" is in force. I'm sorry your majesty, but you have no clothes on.

Comment Re:Wrong problem to focus on (Score 5, Insightful) 158

There is not a lot of problems associated with drug money going to the Mexico.

30 billion a year going into the hands of violent drug cartels isn't a problem? I disagree.

On the other hand, waves of unskilled, poor, desperate people and who can't legally work here is a recipe for social problems that will last generations.

Are you American Indian? If not, from which wave of poor desperate immigrants did your family arrive?

Comment Re:And what they did not publish (Score 1) 227

It would be trivial to get this information:

The human genome project aims to map distributions of known gene alleles across the entire genomic space of the human species; and there are many studies that track individual and sets of alleles across geographic and ethnic group boundries.

This study focuses on a single regional and ethnic group, but narrows action of a set of alleles.

Comparing both data sets to each other, will give you the difference in distribution of those alleles across the regional and ethnic domain.

I am not weighing in on either side of this sordid argument; just saying that studies specific to the mindset of "Nu uh! I want to see your studies SPECIFICALLY TRACKING these genes, or you are WRONG! WRONG I SAY, WRONG!" are not necessary.

You can get that data without bias from the statistical data already collected from the human genome project, once you have a set of target genes to cross reference, which this recent study provides.

Comment Re:Is it really "impossible"? (Score 1) 315

This is probably very wrong. (yes. declarative.)

The way I understood the quantum vacuum, was that it spontaneously produces particle and antiparticle pairs, that exist for a very tiny amount of time, recombine, and then disappear. The energy needed to create these particle pairs from "nothing" is not elaborated on well; it is a matter of some controversy as I understand. However, the existence of these particles has been experimentally verified, as they produce real, measurable effects.

Likewise, a high energy photon has a certain probability of degrading into a pair of antiparticles with low mass, (electron positron pair), which then also recombines back into a high energy photon. This happens in the presence of matter, according to wikipedia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/P... Even the very best made EMDrive is going to have SOME gas inside the chamber, so "Check".

Since the virtual particles have charge, and the electron-positron pair have charge, a charge interaction is possible. Since the quantum vacuum is random, this means that light will suffer some small dispersion from the interaction even in deep space (which also has diffuse hydrogen atoms). The question that makes many scientists so angry, is that when this "real particle pair interacting with a not-real particle pair" happens, the vector of motion of the real particle pair can be altered slightly, as will the not-real pair. That seems to be the explanation for EMDrive. However, the not-real pair will vanish from existence, and the real particles will turn back into a photon.

Energy is exchanged via the interaction, but the energy vanishes on one side of the interaction as the non-particles vanish into the quantum soup again.

A device like the EMDrive tries to manipulate the probabilities of these interactions so that light, and electromagnetic fields in the device create additional interactions.

When both the light and the virtual particle pairs emerge into "Being", they exhibit some electrical charge characteristics. This means that an ambient magnetic field (which will be induced by the cavity resonating with high energy microwaves) will also interact with this exchange. Some of the "momentum" will be conferred to the field, which will then push on the field's source-- the cavity walls.

This means that the interactions going on inside the chamber, if you can cause a statistically relevant change in how the interactions proceed, can produce a net push against the cavity wall which will cause pushing against "light" trapped inside the cavity (the microwaves, as expressed as an antiparticle pair), and the virtual particle plasma that exists only for small moments of time before vanishing.

This appears to violate conservation of momentum, because the other half of the equation literally disappears with the disappearing virtual particles.

it is possible that the kinetic energy imparted to the vacuum particles does not actually vanish, but instead may manifest as a local increase in virtual particle density at the aft end of the device. This could be measured as an increase in the casimir force, if you wanted to check. That's a wildly unfounded idea mind, but I would be curious enough to look if I had the nanotech casimir force detection equipment to do it, and an EMdrive to test against.

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