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Comment Re:I hope this surprises no one,.. (Score 1) 68

A friend bought a pallet of computers from an auction back in 1998. on the pallet we had computers from NASA and the DOD as well as other govt locations and many of them still had the hard drives in place. the NASA computer came with a box that was filled with floppies of all their software for satellite solar panel design and testing. There was also a Cromemco minicomputer that still had it's 8" hard drive and a TON of emails left in it (cracking the root password was trivial with an OS boot floppy) from all 10 users on the system.

This has always been an issue with anything sold by companies or government.

Comment Re:Derp (Score 4, Insightful) 168

If you never travel outside your country, why not block all networks from outside? Back in my AT&T days I blocked all of south america, europe, and asia for our servers because nobody from those locations had any reason to even contact our advertising data collection systems. There is no reason to keep your servers wide open for the world.

Comment Sadly all we get is mediocre software.... (Score 2) 171

I want a GPS app that when I follow a route it does not "FREAK the hell OUT" when I pull off for gas or lunch. It also should pull the current weather radar and allow it to be superimposed over my GPS map so I can see if I am going to be driving into rain. We have ALL this information right now all the technology is there. Yet programmers are too damned lazy to add real features that people will want.. Instead we get crap like Flappy Bird and oh a new redesigned User Interface!

Everyone wants their own secret sauce to be kept hidden, and I want to beat them with a sack of doorknobs.

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