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Comment Re:Yawn (Score 1) 556

I disagree. If you analyse his tweet, I believe it is obvious that he chose his wording with care, to specifically try and diminutize Jesus. It would of been easy, and right, to mention that Issac Newton (Right?, I think that was who he was talking about) was born on Christmas day, and that he was a great man who did loads for us. To use wording that imply that he was like unto Jesus, and to replace Jesus in a entrance obviously crafted to talk about him is an obvious attack on Christians.

Comment Re:A Simple Retort (Score 1) 556

I completely disagree. A f**kn light show in space, does not prove God. Give me $1,000,000 and I could do what you propose. Meanwhile, God can be disproven, easily. If you can logically explain everything up to now, without the need for God, then he is disproven. Right now we have up to a few milliseconds after the big bang explained. We cannot fully explain what created the big bang, or what created the thing that created the big bang, or how something either always existed, or how nothingness birthed something at some point. We cannot even explain why you have a little voice in your head that is absolutely convinced that it is you and in control, while demonstrably having zero control of your actions. We have already, basically, disproven that god created Earth. Even the Pope admits that there is no room for God in evolution.

Comment Re:Yawn (Score 0) 556

There are prejudicial, holier than thou, Atheists in the scientific communities who like to continually bash and make fun of everyone different then them. Who like to take science, and pretend that it disproves God and that is says that every religious person is ethically and intellectually inferior to themselves.

Comment Re:Did You Even Read What You Wrote? (Score 2) 169

They are that way because of the system, not the teachers. Those kids that do not give a damn, as often as not, are the intelligent ones simply cannot go at the same pace as the rest of the class and still give a damn.
Most of the rest of Those kids that do not give a damn are boys continually alienated by a school system designed for girls and women teachers.

Comment Re:Not equivalent (Score 0) 381

Actually, I would buy both (except for the other planet thing). Asia was about a thousand years ahead of the rest of the word. They invented most of the math before the West reinvented it. I would even go so far as to say, I am fairly confident that some Asian, long before the Write brothers, had a decent working flying machine. But at the time before all these other inventions, it would of simply been a curiosity and plaything, with no real use, so would of been quickly forgotten. There are very few things that were not first invented in Asia, how many of those happened in India, I would not hazard a guess.

Comment Re:Touchscreen + Linux... (Score 2, Insightful) 210

I have been using Android for over a year now, and that is a horrible idea. It is a seriously broken OS. Completely unstable, with horrendous updates that break and completely change functionality every month or two.

And that is not even mentioning how that would completely ruin the hybrid aspect of it. You could never use it as a fully functioning laptop, and everything about it would be designed for a screen 10% the size.

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