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Comment Re:Most Unbiased Slashdot Gamergate Article (Score 4, Insightful) 556

If you troll all of your customers, don't be surprised if you end up with a few wing nuts going off the deep end.

The "journalism" response to this entire affair has been shameless pandering to some notion of political correctness and shameless exploitation of the situation. That's been true pretty much across the entire media spectrum starting with the very first set of trolling click-bait articles generated by the gaming and tech press.

Anyone that disagrees is branded as some sort of anti-feminist misogynistic scum who's opinions don't matter.

It's a perfect example of the "liberal media" that tea baggers like to whine about. The dogma behind the narrative is more important than anything else.

Comment Re:Who? (Score 3, Insightful) 556

Being a victim requires actual harm. What actual harm does a threat from some chickenshit web troll really do you?

If anything, the so-called victims here are happily basking in the glow of the spotlight happy to be the center of attention.

The real victims are people that have bought into all of this nonsense and have had the view of their own real world warped by it. There's the real psychological harm.

Comment Re:How? (Score 1) 83

Those require certain filesystem attributes to be set regardless of what the name on the file is.

On the other hand, if your OS and user shell and email application simply avoid the equivalent of "bash you-don'", you easily avoid a lot of this nonsense.

You would never consider taking random things you find on the floor or street and putting them in your mouth, but that's exactly what some "modern" software does.

Comment Re:Sorry, poor Appalachian white boys (Score 1) 208

Most racism is less blatant any more. There are no "whites only" signs and blatant discrimination can get you sued. A lot of the problems of the "oppressed" are self inflicted and are the lingering effects of institutional discrimination that for the most part is now banned.

Of course any true egalitarian should object when blatant discrimination is practiced. It doesn't matter what the lame excuse is.

You either believe in equality or you don't.

Comment Re:Confused. (Score 1) 208

There are differnences in PEOPLE. Usually these differences cut across conventional "seggregation" lines. There may or may not be different distributions of characteristics in genders or races. A lot of this stuff is just nonsense cultural baggage.

It has to do more with indoctrination than actual characteristics and again the "geeks" are the tail end of the problem and the least relevant "perpetrators".

Comment Re: Don't worry guys... (Score 4, Insightful) 880

Learn? Learn? LEARN?

Crack open a book sometime. Islam has been trying to take over the rest of the world pretty much since the day it was founded. Liberal fantasies about Western colonialism are flatly contradicted by the entire rest of history. From Charlemange to Dracula the rest of the world was actively under siege.

This is just the next chapter in a very long history that's not pretty if you actually bother to pay attention to it.

Being able to ignore their oil really wouldn't change the situation all that much.

Comment Re:NO DRM! (Score 1) 433

Everything else has DRM.

The only way you can think that "DRM has disappeared" is if you are still living in 1998 and think that music is the only kind of media file under consideration.

Also, "services" contain DRM. They're specifically engineered to disallow copying. They are kind of nothing but DRM and they seem to be the current wave of the future in music.

Comment Re:Sounds Better? (Score 1) 433

Hell, I was done with vinyl when it was still the in thing originally. It's a terribly inconvenient format. I was happy to have an alternative (tape).

Having avoided it in the past I am fascinated to see people fawn all over it now as if it's the hot new thing.

Although the format was better for cover art...

Comment Re:They're a resource, not a "problem". (Score 0) 307

You could certainly trim bits out of a theoretical CS program in order to favor more useful humanities courses. It would not harm the discipline to treat it more like a proper branch of engineering and include communications and management requirements would help in that regard.

Programs in some places already do that.

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