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Comment Re:Same old song and dance .... (Score 1) 214

> Even in the era of home theaters, how many of us really have such a setup at home where we'd be proud to show downloaded movies to our friends

I do.

It's part of the reason that I've pretty much given up on conventional movie theaters entirely. Beyond the new annoyances that have manifested in the last 20 years, the experience at a "real theater" just isn't sufficiently better to justify the bother.

Even if your local theater isn't crap, what your watching may not even be playing on any of their good screens.

It really doesn't take much. Pretty much anyone in suburbia has the resources to pull this off. Cinemas are doing remarkably well considering.

Comment Re:Consipricy nuts, go! (Score 5, Insightful) 100

Objection: relevance.

These other things are not the topic of discussion. They are just red herrings to distract from the fact that the US appears to have acted in a civilized manner this time.

Civilized behavior should not be swept under the rug because you have a hate-on for some particular country. Your nonsense undermines the positive reinforcement that encourages good behavior and discourages bad behavior.

Doesn't matter if it's the US or Hezbollah.

Comment Re:Aaaaahahaha ... gotta love it: (Score 2) 136

No. It was not a "sensible" comment for the time. Anyone with a lick of sense could see where the tech was going and could easily realize that you had to plan for the future.

PCs of the time were stuck in the kind of situation that Tannenbaum described not because of any inherent technical limitation but because Microsoft was a lame monopolistic sandbagger holding back the entire industry.

Even in 1992 there wasn't that much of a gap between the capabilities of proprietary Unix hardware and PCs. Some Unix machines even ran on microprocessors used by competing home computers.

That's why Linus created his own kernel to begin with.

Comment Re:Buy the book BANNED by Costco! (Score 0) 149

If it weren't for all of this fake controversy and bogus righteous indignation, I would have no idea what this book is. Perhaps it just didn't sell well at Costco. It's a warehouse store you know. You can't depend on an item being there the next time you visit even if it was there the last time.

These Tea Baggers seem to be missing the whole "Warehouse Club" concept here.

Comment Re:Cry Me A River (Score 1) 608

I might not be able to build a skyscraper but I can nail some boards together, plunge a toilet, wire a room, or lay some tile.

Basic home maintenance is something that everyone needs to understand regardless of whether they own their place or not. People need to know enough to be able to delegate to experts and not get robbed in the process. People need to understand what they are buying.

People need to be able to fend for themselves on a very basic level.

This American love of stupidity only serves to make for easier victims.

Comment Re:Cry Me A River (Score 2) 608

"Complex" is not for laymen. There is only so much that you can do with any "appliance". Beyond that, you actually have to know what you are doing. This "problem" has nothing to do with programming.

Once you get into "complex", you really do want something along the lines of a profession were people have to be licensed and they can be held accountable for their failures. For the "complex" stuff, we should be striving MORE for something comparable to real engineering or medicine rather than pushing for trained monkeys and amateurs.

Right tool for the job and all that...

Comment Re:First world problems (Score 1) 349

...although a screensaver can be a really simple thing. It doesn't need to be some power hungry monster that eats your entire download cap. This is simply the common developer problem of not being able to relate to the end user. They are used to having unlimited resources and code accordingly.

      More experienced vendors in the same space don't take such a boneheaded and obviously wrongful approach.

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