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Comment Re:Pointing fingers at problems (Score 1) 493

Actually, if any demographic of girls can resist the usual sorts of social indoctrination imposed upon "little princesses" then I would think it would be the Jews. Their own religion and culture as well as centuries of discrimination has pushed them into "geekier" roles.

If anything Israel should be viewed as the extreme exception. It likely doesn't have the anti-intellectualism associated with America. If "it's not working" in Israel than it likely won't anywhere.

People have free will. Who knew?

Comment Re:Uhm you care because you might want to use GPL (Score 2) 551

You're funny. You really are. Did you mean to be?

EMACS is the whole reason the GPL exists to begin with. Some jackass hijacked it into a commercial project and RMS's contributors were pissed. They went to HIM with the torches and the pitchforks demanding an explanation.

The copyright holder of EMACS will most certaily sue your sorry ass for such a stunt.

As much as some people (even RMS) might want to portrary the GPL as some sort of communist plot, it really isn't. It's just a way to keep contributors happy. It turns out that most people don't want their charity abused by some crass corporation.

It also has the nice side effect that it allows for those same crass corporations to collaborate with some level of trust.

Comment Re:Ok, so if the class of developers you care abou (Score 1) 551

"Regular programmers" can easily exploit GNU in their own commercial offerings. The idea that they can't is a lie so absurd that it simply boggles the imagination. Some of the biggest corporatoins on the planet quite safely exploit GNU software and have been doing so for decades.

All that the RMS notion of freedom prevents is some toddler's notion of property where you take someone else's stuff and then declare exclusive ownership over it.

GNU software is by no means the most restrictive kind out there. The commercial stuff that programmers build off of are much more burdensome. This "toddler's dilemma" never seems to occur with commercial derived products. It never occurs to anyone to even whine about it.

The GPL and LGPL don't demand anything more of developers than what copyright law already does. That's the beauty of it.

Comment Re:Ain't freedom a bitch... (Score 0) 551

I find it funny that considering all of the hate directed at RMS and the GPL that it took so f*cking long to replace gcc. You would think that all of these flaming corporate shills would have gotten together at some point sooner than this and "gotten things done".

GNU even managed to get it's own kernel built faster than the anti-GPL whiners managed to replace gcc.

Comment Re:WTF- DRM-free please! (Score 3, Informative) 106

Clearly the ignorant gits that want to perpetuate corporate friendly (and Microsoft friendly) urban legends have never actually tried any of this stuff before. A PC, a real PC, will just treat the HDMI port as yet another output. A TV is also nothing special. It will just treat your PC as just another set top box.

Encryption is NOT required. It's an available OPTION if you happen to be foolish enough to have something like a Sony BluRay player (which ironically happens to run Linux).

There is really nothing distinctive about a "television" any more.

Comment Re:WTF- DRM-free please! (Score 2) 106

> Pfft can't do anything via HDMI without HDCP to keep movie studios happy.

Sure you can. This is how you can connect Macs and PCs running Linux to a TV with an HDMI port. I am not quite sure who they were supposed to be pandering to with this move. Hooking up an HDMI connection should be a simple thing that requires permission from no one. Shouldn't matter if it's wired or wireless.

Comment Re:Well, that makes things better (Score 3, Insightful) 129

There is nothing "super easy" about installing an operating system when it comes to your average n00b. They can barely handle a windows style installer or downloading things with a web browser.

The only reason they can even run Windows is because it's pre-installed and they get plenty of free tech support from friends and family. The same goes for MacOS to.

Besides, it's only trolls that are even aware of "1001 distros" anyways. Most normal people just focus on what the first page of a Google search would tell them.

Comment Re:So, start a company making easy-to-fix equipmen (Score 4, Insightful) 194

> They would go broke. The reason all of the sensors are there is because when they didn't have sensors, and some farmer misused they tool and got hurt, they sued the manufacturer

Quit being such a corporate tool.

The tort aspect of this is likely completely irrelevant since these are likely highly self reliant types used to fending for themselves for various reasons. Even in the city, this excuse "but we will get sued" is usually just bullshit. Lazy people are just trying to take advantage of the pervasive anti-lawyer propaganda.

Quit swimming in the kool-aid.

Comment Re:Idiots... (Score 1) 422

The problem with "just mashing a button" is that quite often that isn't nearly good enough. Even if you are treating a more dedicated camera in the same way as a phone, it simply has more interesting capabilities.

Anything beyond a carefully curated still life is going to be out of a phone camera's capabilities.

It really doesn't matter how easy it is to create a big blurry blob. That's not anything you want to actually keep.

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