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Comment Re:Use their expertise (Score 1) 343

Seen this happen on a few occasions, a worker was undervalued was RIF'd or quit
and key people in the company explained that the person was critical.

At these moments workers become aware that sometimes, some people
in charge at not staying informed of the process and the people making it
happen and the knowledge sets required and the fact it requires more then
1 book and a few weeks work.

Most companies do a poor job of evaluating their workers beyond a superficial level.

Comment Re:old? Old? OLD? (Score 1) 343

I have picked up this bad habit from millenials, but sometimes it feels pretty good.

I am slowly moving away from IT into unconventional things like building underground
houses, greenhouses, adobe, wind power, solar power, etc.

I have to say I enjoy it much more and the customers ACTUALLY treat me
like a human being rather then a "HUMAN RESOURCE".

Comment Re: Hi, I'm ageism personified. I hate peers. (Score 1) 343

At the 30 year mark someone "sold them" on this idea to switch to Linux/MAC.

Meanwhile 28 years ago things were chugging along in the windows world
like it is at MOST companies.

So maybe 1 year ago there was rumors this was coming.

At the time of the change they had little to no warning and it side swiped them.

I think they will find most of the non-IT workers are also unfamiliar with MAC/Linux.

I think they will have to go thru a transitional period in this scenario.

The fact that the gender of the manager changed midstream in this anonymous post
makes me think a troll needs to polish his trolling a bit.

Comment Re:Fire them. (Score 1) 343

Sending a message to others by using a sharp and hungry axe as management tool.

The rest of the employees will think "who is next ?"

Some will think I need to work harder and learn more to maximize the billionaires billions.

Others will think "The grass is greener on the other side." and prepare for their "transistion".

I have gotten to the point when the "blame the workers" crowd goes ballistic I get happy,
because I might get the chance to work with good people instead of "hatchet men".

Comment Re:For crying out loud (Score 1) 343

Often the people in charge of the IT department have a lot of management experience,
but not much IT experience. Some companies even take pride that their team managers
know zero about IT, and think its a benefit.

I won't name names for obvious reasons.

But If the ppl running the machine don't understand it, the results are predictable
when they tell the ppl that do to only do what the uninformed say.

Comment Re:So... (Score 1) 464

It is not overbought if it is the most common method of exchange for the dark web,
and the dark web happens to be the largest and fastest growing segment of
the unregulated economy.

The dark web and bit coin are linked, and this is capitalism without government meddling for now.

I expect a crackdown when they realize the "FULL" implications of what I said above.

The rigged economy is being bypassed.

Comment Re:So... (Score 1) 464

Not just drugs, but also many other illegal things.

Its allows privacy or the illusion of it where as credit cards transactions are all tracked.

The dark web is full of different "products" that are illegal in some countries and not others.

That is the new market place, BTC is the currency for now, and this will continue even
after they try their futures scam like they do with fake paper gold dumping on the markets
at a ratio that exceeds real physical gold on the planet by 500 to 1.

Comment Re:So... (Score 1) 464

Paper dollars are printed out of thin air backed by housing and wall street fraud.

Gold backing and silver backing are long gone.

The petro dollar scheme is linked to oil which is being phased out albeit slowly.

The game is not exactly the same, but they have a lot in common.

In the end printing $65 billion a month of US dollars backed by nothing is a bigger racket.

Comment Re:Is there a way to do real work? (Score 1) 468

Clean power is there, its just not being utilized.

Ocean current based:


binary geothermal:


1% of jet stream could replace all forms of power on earth:


1960's LFTR nuclear reactor design that fails safe passively via a freeze plug and doesn't use rods:


It also will take 90% of the worlds nuclear waste and turn it into energy and produce
P-238 for space programs that need it and its running low.

The current energy "racket" is about making a small number of ppl insanely wealthy.

Some of the reason there is push back against ppl going "off grid".

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