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Comment Re:Are we too quick to act on social media outrage (Score 1) 371

We can have a reasonable discussion about the severity of the response, if it was too severe or not sever enough. We cannot disagree that his comments were inappropriate.

The consequences, in this particular case, is that the someone will forever be shunned by institutions. The only good thing to come out of this is that they will never work again. Their name is forever tainted due to the large amount of non-science that they did. The other party of this little drama will continue being a well-respected nobel prize-winner working on cancer research, with offers of employment and requests for assistance pouring in.

The witch-hunter in this round fully got what she deserved. When your publicly available CV does not match up to publicly available information *AND* that particular fact is the first hit on google you may as well kill yourself - no one else is ever going to believe a word you say about your competence again.

Comment Re:Are We Too Quick To Act On Social Media Outrage (Score 1) 371

Depends who "we" are. His employer was immediately opened up to bring sued or having exam results for his classes questioned by female students who could argue he has demonstrated bias. It would have been nice to see them fight if they thought he was really joking (and it seems like he wasn't, as he publicly stood by his words later) but they were under no obligation to do anything other than limit their liability.

Are you really so dim that you would really take the thus far unsubstantiated word of a couple of activists over tens of the worlds most eminent female scientists? That you believe that sexist jokes are a bigger issue than plagiarism? In the science world (yeah, I used to work as one) plagiarism is the biggest sin one can commit. Religion ideals like you tend to espouse? Not so much.

Comment Re:DailyWail (Score 1) 371

Personally, I am outraged over all the social media outrage about outrage.

Wait, should I be counting the number of "outrages" the way you count minus signs in an equation? I DON'T FUCKING CARE, I AM OUTRAGED.

Anyway, what else do they think social media is for, except to express outrage? And cat pics, of course, but I find those kind of outrageous.

What? No MRA conspiracy post? No violent invective hurled at imaginary manbabies? Your standards are dropping poperatzo :-)

Comment Re:DailyWail (Score 2) 371

The catch is whether to trust Daily Mail's supposed digging. It doesn't exactly have the most stellar reputation for accuracy.

How the hell is this insightful? She claims to have published stuff that she hadn't. She claims to have worked in positions that she hasn't. There is a large body of evidence that she has fabricated her CV. She now claims a nobel prize-winner said sexist things. Many of the eminent female scientists, as well as people who were actually at the toast her gave disputes this, yet you jump to her defence? What the hell is wrong with you?

Comment Re:It's all about the environment... (Score 1) 126

Seriously, hire a developer for six figures and give him a few hundred bucks in desk space that doesn't even have four cube walls? That makes all the sense in the world, right. Argh.

That's because the goal isn't to be productive, it's to remind the plebs of their places. Offices are reserved for those who are higher in the organisation, not those who require offices. It's a class system and its' designed to remind you that you are the cattle.

The occasional loyal worker will, of course, argue that open-plan is better ("collaboration", "exchange of ideas", etc), but that's because they consider themselves important enough to the organisation that they will one day get their own office - IOW they aren't poor, they're just temporarily embarrassed millionaires.

Comment Re:How is this news for nerds? (Score 1) 1083

10%? Are you suggesting that Slashdot has a population of homosexuals that exceeds the general population ratio of 1.6-3%?

No, I'm suggesting that the general population ratio is 10% and in some reports say it's closer to 20%.

There are no credible reports that estimate anything above 8%. There are very very few that find above 4%. I generally round up to 10% when talking about the homosexual population. In general, any "report" that finds above 4% (including bisexuals) is suspect.

Comment Re:This is great, however, (Score 1) 1083

Personally, I've been in a relationship with my g/f for almost 10 years and lived together for 7.

You're probably already married, and in the worse way possible (community of property). The reason I keep getting married is because I don't want to live with a woman for longer than the length dictated by my jurisdiction for cohabitation. The easiest thing is a prenup marriage. If I *don't* keep getting married then I don't get the protection that a prenup gives in the event of a breakup.

TLDR; if you cohabitate with your partner for a long enough length of time the laws decide that you *are* married in community of property.

Comment Re:fully half baked (Score 1) 171

the idea might be a bit half-baked

imho, it's not a bit half-baked, it's all the way...*this idea is awful*

my first thought was, in order to detect on females you have to have intercourse first, which kind of defeats the purpose...

It only serves no purpose if you never intend sleeping with this person again. If you want to play around a little more next time with this person, this condom absolutely serves a purpose.

Comment Re:It never dawns on women... (Score 1) 473

What leads you to believe that? All you've done is display a link between "countries with fewer rights for women" and "women in STEM/CS". This would lead a rational person to believe that when women have more options they exercise them (like in the west). When they have fewer options they are stuck with STEM/CS.

First, not all listed countries induce restrictions on women.

One doesn't. The others do. You've simply displayed a link between lack of womens rights and their propensity for CS. Well Done!

Second, the restrictions do not apply in education.

There's no restrictions in the west either.

Albeit in Iran Theology is off limits in Iran, they can study almost everything if they want to.

Just like the west.

And you know for sure that this does not happen in those countries you listed? As far as I know of those cultures, they treat women much much more different than they do men, including toys and such.

Yes they do, however, in another different than ours.

Their young girls have fewer choices than western young girls. Western girls have many more choices, and are *encouraged* from birth to believe that they can do anything they want to, so they go ahead and do whatever they want to. "Follow your heart" is a western expression for kids, not a middle eastern one.

anyway, to change the reputation of STEM topics (without Biology and Pharmacy which are already a women dominated fields) in the public and show our daughters that STEM can be fun for them.

My point still stands: When young girls (like in the west) are told they can do whatever they want to they avoid CS like the plague. When they are not given a choice they can be found in CS. Did your Iranian friends forget to tell you that they didn't get to choose their major; that their parents did? Or is that a fact you conveniently "forgot"?

FWIW, I'm from a culture closely related to the eastern and middle-eastern ones, and the way it normally goes is that the parents choose on their childs behalf, for everything from spouse to college major. Next time you meet with your friends ask them about it - I very much doubt a culture with arranged marriages does not have parents arranging the majors too.

Comment Re:What about low-income boys? (Score 1) 473

I do not see a good reason for having a girls only class.

There it is. If you don't understand the issues involved, why do you hold such a strong opinion on the subject?

Holy Reading Comprehension Batman!

(What makes you think he doesn't understand the issues involved?)

Because if he did understand the issues involved, he would have to acknowledge that there are many good reasons for having a girls only class. He might not agree with them, but his original comment appeared to dismiss their very existence.

He said "I see no good reasons for $FOO". Almost by definition, it means that the ones you feel satisfy your minimum level for being "good" do not satisfy his. You're basically saying that if someone disagrees with your opinion of "good", then they haven't understood the issue.

By the same logic, if you disagree with someone else's opinion of "good", then does it mean that you don't understand the issue?

Comment Re:Comments make me despair.... (Score 1) 473

I've noticed systematic efforts by some of the MRAs to mod down people saying things they don't like, which isn't what the moderation system is for.

Nope. You are getting modded down for using creationist arguments. You, personally, keep getting asked for evidence. You haven't provided any.

Sad to say, but you will probably get more than -1 Troll mod for your perfectly reasonable, well constructed post just because it contradicts the MRA victim mentality.

When the

Comment Re:It never dawns on women... (Score 1) 473

This is only true for Western countries. In many other cultures women are dominant in engineering and computer science. For example, Iran (70 percent), Philippines (52 percent), Thailand (51 percent) and Kazakhstan (50 percent).

See also:

Therefore, it is a cultural thing

What leads you to believe that? All you've done is display a link between "countries with fewer rights for women" and "women in STEM/CS". This would lead a rational person to believe that when women have more options they exercise them (like in the west). When they have fewer options they are stuck with STEM/CS.

and I doubt that it will improve any time soon. First, most programs address people at the end or after school. Then it is too late. If you want to "fix" it, you should start changing education in nursery and primary school. And yes, you should stop offering them dolls and fostering stupid girlie behavior, like "oh cool shopping".

And you know for sure that this does not happen in those countries you listed? As far as I know of those cultures, they treat women much much more different than they do men, including toys and such.

Comment Re:Well they're getting closer to the truth (Score 1) 473

" boys tend to be more willing to go against peer pressure and do what interests them." LMOL - yeah that explains all those nerd with dates at the prom and giving football players swirlies....

You proved his point - even when attacked for their choices, boys still do whatever they are interested in.

Comment Re:No National Center for Men & Tech...? (Score 1) 473

Such things exist:

There was no outrage and no claims of sexism when efforts were made to recruit more men into nursing and education, by the way. Presumably now you are aware of this you condemn it, right?

If the best you can do is an online chat service open to all (not just men), then you've already lost. You keep getting asked for evidence. Repeatedly. And this is what you eventually come up with?

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