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Comment Re:The problem is that landfills are too cheap (Score 4, Interesting) 371

I beg to differ. I'd sort, but I'm not going to sort AND pay extra money.

My town has a pretty decent way of handling this - I pay per bag of trash, and they take properly-sorted recyclables for free.

I don't get a fine if I accidentally throw away a glass bottle. I don't get told off for not rinsing out my cans. I don't have any sort of "recycling gestapo" going around inspecting mandatory clear trash bags looking for any excuse to hassle me. They just call anything non-compliant "garbage", and I pay per bag.

I therefore get to personally make the decision whether to pay more or recycle more.

Comment Re:Dude, this is so easy (Score 1) 32

The War on Poverty was towards a different kind of revolt; an incremental one versus one big glorious overthrow. Encourage people to give up hope in the American Dream, in capitalism, and in self-reliance, and to instead get comfortable with reliance on government and redistribution schemes. (I.e. get them comfortable with the ideas of socialism, without calling it by name.)

Get over 50% of the households signed up for some sort of redistribution program and the battle's probably all over except for the shouting. The Left got the people to participate in a (gradual) revolt against what is the American system, without them even knowing it.

Comment Re:Dude, this is so easy (Score 1) 32

If you're suggesting that Republicans don't really care about abortion because they haven't tried to just end it all, in case you hadn't noticed, the country is becoming even more hostile to socially Conservative issues.

So what do you do, pick your battles to stay alive to provide some resistance to the Leftward collapse of America, or go for an all-or-nothing fight and risk finishing off the party and its voice?

Comment Re: political speech (Score 1) 233

What if this anonymous speaker turns out to be the staff of his political opposition? Certainly election law comes into play. Does that change anything for you?

Not in the least, for two reasons:

1) That still means that we have someone prosecuted for exercising their first amendment rights (the FEC doesn't get a pass on "Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech"), pretty much exactly what dnaumov described (even if not quite as gruesome of an outcome likely), and...

2) Rational adults should accord anonymous internet trolls the level of credibility they deserve - ie, none in the absence of proof.

Comment Re:I support PBS (Score 1) 8

Thank you for the link; it was interesting. I'm okay with business bankruptcy (vice personal), especially Ch. 11 (reorganization), in comparison to closing up shop via Ch. 7 (liquidation). Investors are voluntarily risking their money, and people who start and try to grow business ventures are taking risks, and most people probably have heard that most businesses fail.

If he never succeeded, then I certainly wouldn't consider him a good businessman and wouldn't even be considering him for prez. But among non-politician businesspeople in the race, I think it's only him and Carly Fiorina, and I don't think she was successful at HP.

Comment Re:Dude, this is so easy (Score 1) 32

"The Lefties don't actually care about unions!"

Preposterous poppycock. Traditionally they've wanted the working class to revolt against the ownership class and overthrow the (capitalist) system. Even if most of them today have transferred most of their hopes from that to the devolve-the-system-in-place/incrementalism/death-by-a-thousand-cuts tactic, sustaining that division in people's minds and antagonism between the two serves to oppose and destroy capitalistic success and gets people used to non-merit based organization (in the worship of equality).

"The only thing the Lefties care about is power."

More happy thoughts. They are not so innocent as you make them out to be. If they only cared about power, they would be something like Saddam Hussein; as long as he had his golden palaces, and could fuck over anyone he didn't like, he was content with the status quo in the society. Instead, Lefties are like Islamists, wanting to establish a full-blown, world-wide commie Caliphate. Satan has multiple false religions going on. One appeals to Mideastern culture and mindset, another to Western enlighteneds'.

Comment Re:I support PBS (Score 1) 8

"In an election you have to go for the one you dislike the least overall, not the one you love for one particular question."

I think I'll be doing exactly the latter this next time. I think I'll vote for Donald Trump, because I think a lack of an economic recovery this time means the end of the U.S. as I've known it. So I really don't care about where the candidates stand on social issues, or foreign policy. Because the American Dream is almost dead (and even worse, almost forgotten).

Comment Re:I support PBS (Score 1) 8

"is a separate issue from"

Technically, yes. In practice, no; by the point a Leftist feels like something is worth enough to contribute his own money towards, it's already way past the point of being important enough to him to force other people to do so.

Comment Re:TL;DR (Score 1) 367

Relatively speaking, it ends much worse for the wealthy than it did for the poor.

People who are starving and hopeless lose less than people who "have it all". Just a teeny bit of generosity would allow the poor to live much better. And on the high end, the wealthy don't even live worse. If everyone has $800,000 instead of $900,000 then you'll find the total cost of the expensive things cost $100,000 less.

Societies which have more even income spreads are measurably happier. To be fair, I'm not sure if they are more stable.

Then again, tyranny can be stable for a long time so stability isn't the best measure.

User Journal

Journal Journal: solidarity vs. feeling like you need a shower 32

My dad made an interesting point in the car on the way to lunch today. He wondered how my bro-in-law's folks, who are dedicated Liberals, could buy Toyotas, when they don't use union labor.

It's a bit of a conundrum. If you're a Leftie, you have disdain for anything American. Yet the Japanese automakers dodge unions like Wal*mart.

User Journal

Journal Journal: you dirty girl 8

Driving home from work Thu night I was at a stoplight behind a minivan with a PBS supporter license plate frame. The minivan had a large rear window, and I could see part of the taller SUV in front of it, with a Ron Paul for president sticker! I'll bet the minivan driver was road-raging in there!

Comment Re:Sounds like reasonable changes to me (Score 1) 116

I agree. Reviews from someone who bought the item are more valuable.

The change might cut out people who bought the item thru another channel.

My main issue are fake reviews. And a company can always "sell" an item to it's employees who then give it glowing reviews. And buy products from competitors and give them terrible reviews.

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