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Comment Re:Wait a minute... (Score 5, Informative) 324

Not sure if you've been watching the news, but China has been using Baidu effectively as a botnet because they are able to intercept and modify javascript sent via HTTP.

Stops a lot of threats, even if you're just a hobbyist; it ensures that an attacker cant just intercept your hobby page and drop a bunch of exploit kits on it.

Comment Re:Upstart or Systemd? (Score 1) 494

But if theyre the ones making the packages, they sort of have the say in how those packages are built. That is to say, if you dont like it, build your own packages. It seems perfectly legitimate to me for a software developer to make choices that may have tradeoffs in order to reduce the complexity of the development; this is a pretty common thing in fact.

And if it turns out that the things RedHat is designing their software to do dont meet your needs, I would wonder why you would use Red Hat.

Comment This is why people get ticked @ apple products (Score 1) 98

Apple is a good UI company, and theyre quite good at taking existing technologies and making them more attractive to general consumers. But language like "frontier" implies that Apple blazes new paths. The problem is that if you were to consider the last few years, theres very little apple has innovated.

Apple pay? Preceeded by some 2 years by Google Wallet. Apple watch? Preceeded by a year by Google wear. Their entire iPhone 6 unveil consisted of demoing ideas that had been in wide usage for a year or more by other vendors.

I can understand the excitement, in the same way that BMW or Lexus enthusiasts might get excited over a new model-- but to then act like Lexus is leading the way in automotive engineering would be ridiculous.

Comment Re:systemd, eh? (Score 0) 494

not the choices of linux users or the linux ecosystem.

Great news, you can pick your ball up and go home to roll your own distro. You dont have to care what RedHat does.

Obviously if package makers start targetting SystemD, that will affect you, but then again you can also make your own packages if you dont like their decision.

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