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Comment Re: what? (Score 1) 513

I don't understand how you can compare someone talking in a (presumably) normal voice to someone using an artificial noisemaking instrument.

Is it just that you can't eavesdrop on both sides of the conversation? Is that what bugs people about other peoples' cell phone usage in their vicinity? Because I've gotta say, I'm at a complete loss here. I don't understand the issue at all.

Comment Re:Lets get out all of the bitching before it star (Score 1) 174

To the extent BTC can be compared to gold, then perhaps it is best not considered a currency at all, deflationary or otherwise, but rather a basis for other currencies. That suggests that new currencies will emerge that are pegged to BTC, just as the US dollar was formerly based on gold.

All of your objections are valid, but they also apply to gold. Gold mining is mostly an occupation for large organizations with access to large amounts of machinery and energy. It is hard to cash out without taking a financial beating from back-alley dealers with "I Buy Gold!" signs. It can be forfeited to the government, and in fact has been declared illegal for individuals to own in the past. The origins and history of a given sample are traceable to some extent through modern spectroscopy and radiometric techniques. Gold, too, lends itself to criminal activity in many respects. It would be time-consuming for individual merchants to confirm transactions in gold, given thousands of years' worth of counterfeiting tricks. And it has massive scalability problems due to, well, its mass.

Yet few people deny that gold has value as either a basis for a given currency or as a hedge against one.

Comment Yeah, it's time to get over the rootkit thing... (Score 1) 294

... After all, they apologized and fired the Bertelsmann exec responsible.

Oh, wait, no, they didn't fire him. They promoted him to the position of President of Global Digital Business, US Sales, and Corporate Strategy.

Sony customers deserve their own entry in the DSM-V next to sufferers of Battered Spouse Syndrome.

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