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Comment Re:should be interesting (Score 1) 327

But that doesn't stop Sweden from 'losing' prisoners at the airport just about where the CIA goons with a private jet are waiting to ship the said prisoners to Egypt for some rubber hose cryptanalysis.

Why was this modded down?

It seems like a fair description of an actual event.

Comment Re:should be interesting (Score 1) 327

Sweden doesn't have any laws to allow them to lend someone to another country. That goes against both Swedish law and EU law.

Swedish law doesn't allow extraordinary rendition, but that doesn't mean it never happens. Sweden has cooperated with CIA kidnapping on at least one occasion.

Comment Re:should be interesting (Score 4, Informative) 327

The us military released the entire video unedited to discredit and show just how badly edited the file was.

That's not correct.

Wikileaks actually released both videos at the same time, with the edited "short version" clearly labeled as such.

Here is a link to the videos: https://collateralmurder.wikil...

Comment Re:"Early" (Score 1) 172

I had private internet access in 1993 .... i've had my personal domain name since 96. ...And this guy came years later.

Sure, but did you publish a Persian-language blog for an Iranian audience?

The summary doesn't accuse this guy of being an early internet user. It accuses him of being an early Iranian blogger. Which he was.

Comment Re:Basic income (Score 5, Interesting) 674

I don't understand the concept that if I have a loaf of bread, that I worked all day for...

I may be able to help there...

Money isn't something tangible, like bread. Money is a game token. It's like D&D hit points. It has value in the context of game, because other players are playing by the same rules. My dwarven cleric has 43 hit points, and my American corporation has three million dollars. Same principle.

If you just bake a loaf of bread, nobody cares. But if you convert your bread into game tokens, then other players will expect you to play by the game rules. If the local game rules include a tax on your tokens, and you hide tokens under the table, then the other players might accuse you of cheating.

Now, I'm not saying our local game rules are perfect. Maybe they'd benefit from a revision. But if you start thinking of money as something real, rather than as a game token, you're going to get confused. You're speaking in terms of "stealing," when you should be speaking in terms of revising rules to improve the game.

On the separate question of whether our game rules should include tax, I'm not an expert. But I found a list on of countries by taxes as a percentage of gdp.

For the most part, countries on top half of the list seem like nicer places than countries on the bottom half. There are exceptions, but overall it's hard to deny the trend. So I'm not sure lower taxes actually lead to a better-functioning game system.

Right now, I pay a lot of taxes. If I moved to Hati or Guatemala, house rules would allow me to accumulate tokens faster. But I'd rather stay here. Our local rules seem to make fo a better game, despite the annual drain on my tokens.

Comment Re:Oh... (Score 1) 129

This gets mentioned a lot around here and I've never understood. What difference does that equation make either way?

Here's my crack at a simple explanation:

P is a class of easy problems that computers can solve quickly.

NP is a class including hard problems that computers can't seem to solve quickly.

People are searching for a fast way to solve the hard problems. It's like a holy grail of computer science.

If someone finds this holy grail, there would be huge consequences. We could quickly solve hard problems like protein folding, which would help us unlock the mysteries of life. Lots of shit would be turned upside down.

If the grail does exist, that means P and NP are the same set of problems. (P equals NP)

Many computer scientists suspect the grail does not actually exist. But it hasn't been proven either way.

Comment Re:30 percent? (Score 1) 47

Unity, with a $1500 pro license, makes sense if you're making more than $30,000 per seat per game on average...

That price comparison is not quite apples-to-apples. The Unreal license includes the complete engine source, while the Unity license does not. Also, the Unity license costs extra for mobile platforms.

But in practice, the deciding factor between those two engines will usually be language support, not price. Unreal supports C++ and visual "blueprint" logic, while Unity supports C# and Javascript. For most developers, that decision will be a bigger factor than the price difference.

Comment Re:Will it be OpenGL & 64-bit? (Score 1) 149

Things are starting to turn around, though. Sony and MS have finally released consoles with 8GB ram

Uh yeah, quite some time ago now.

Only about a year ago. That's not very long.

At this point, cross-platform games are still releasing for the Xbox 360, which means they need to squeeze into half a gig.

The situation will change as the new consoles displace the old ones. But right now, games like Far Cry 4 and Battlefield:whatever are still worrying about the Xbox 360's tiny memory footprint.

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