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Comment Re:Penn & Teller Bullshit! (Score 1) 290

It costs nothing for an industry thinktank to spark a furor over plastic straws and eating utensils. Meanwhile, every pallet of product is mummified in plastic wrap before it leaves the factory or warehouse.

It costs nothing for an industry thinktank to force fuel economy regulations and a rushed conversion to electric in passenger vehicles while trucking and container ships pollute more than cars.

Comment A lateral move (Score 1) 132

It's not different enough to really justify itself. I mainly see yet another example of the modern "simple uber alles" graphic design movement. The simplifications done here rob it of clarity and symbolism. It is devolving into a banal geometric shape arrangement.

Comment It's almost as if... (Score 1) 128

Reality is being distorted and cherry-picked in order to construct a narrative purposefully designed to define any two tribes that will self-segregate into their own echo chambers.

Divided we fall, indeed. We are constantly told we are divided by race, creed, and every other distinction actually mentioned, but the real conflict is class and only the rich know their class warfare is happening. Social media was weaponized very early on.

Comment Every Big Tech firm (Score 1) 78

Has built a walled garden. Apple, Google, Amazon, facebook (Microsoft doesn't build so much as buy up existing gardens).

They did this to better control, influence, and monetize user behavior, which the open web doesn't let them do as well or as shadily as they would like.

And they did it right before our eyes, without any of the still naive standards bodies realizing the potential of what these companies proposed.

Comment Firefox could be excellent (Score 1) 242

The problem is Mozilla, which has been in a nosedive since 2009. Wrong decisions at every turn, distracting themselves with every microtrend, abandoning their core products, continually making the Firefox UI worse. The organization has long lacked strategy and vision, and is no longer a leader on the web.

Comment Recruiters are useless (Score 1) 105

And a large part of why IT hiring has been broken for decades. No one involved in the process knows what a job's actual required skillset and duties are, the listed requirements are often impossible (more experience than a thing has existed), bloated to cover any/all similarities, or otherwise stuffed with irrelevant nonsense.

If recruiting firms want to be taken seriously, they might consider not hiring H1B visas themselves, then provide some value for both parties.

Comment Compromised by design. (Score 1) 120

facebook (I refuse to allow the company's name swap to succeed) does nothing to protect end-user privacy, their business model depends on exploiting it to the fullest. They've probably designed this scheme with built-in flaws that they've withheld from Mozilla.

Mozilla needs to walk away from this before Robotbot's stink can't be washed off.

Comment More of Google's Agenda (Score 1) 42

If someone is doing important research, they should be bookmarking the sites they find.

The only value add here is the ability to resume Google session activity (not browser activity) from arbitrary points.

Another minuscule way Google is conditioning us to be dependent on the Cloud. It makes me wonder what corresponding browser functionality they will hobble or remove to incentivize using this.

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