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Comment Unlearn anything from Gawker (Score 1) 1191

I briefly looked at the beta home page. Briefly, because it felt very much like the Gawker redesign from a couple years ago that made those sites (I only really read Jalopnik) a jumbled, discordant, unnavigable mess. FWIW, Jalopnik is the only bookmark I've ever deleted from my bookmarks bar... that's how incensed I was about it.

Two main things:

  • Don't try to mash the newest three stories into a single picture collage. Every item on the homepage needs to have the blurb, period. Pictures are usually noise for most /. stories, and most of this audience will not tolerate it: you are not aimed at the average user.
  • If a story is going to have a picture masthead, put it between the headline and the blurb. Above the headline, the pictures lose most if not all context.

If Nick Denton had anything to do with this redesign, even casually or tangentially, please let us know so we can riot. That idiot has no idea what he's doing.

Comment Re:Welcome to how SSDs fail. (Score 2) 552

This describes several of the reasons why I will not buy an SSD any time in the near future. Sketchy reliability, indeterminate longevity, inexplicable data loss. Mirroring a turd just means you have multiple turds. I have a few 10+ year old DeskStar drives that I still use and have never given me problems.

Comment Re:$20B the value of Steve Ballmer leaving (Score 1) 357

What did Outlook ever do to you, anyway?

Nothing to me, as I've managed to completely avoid using it. That is, until I began implementing parts of the iCalendar and vCard RFCs. Outlook's support for these standards is per capita worse than HTML support in any version of IE. In a month I had managed to implement better recurrence rule support than Outlook ever had.

Comment Re:The Onion said it best (Score 5, Insightful) 526

More metal blades doesn't make a better razor after 2 or 3. After that, the manufacturers are just one-upping each other to keep the marketing going.

I'd gladly pay much more for a razor with only two ceramic blades. But that'll never happen, because metal razor blades are by definition planned obsolescence.

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Honesty is for the most part less profitable than dishonesty. -- Plato
