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Comment Re:Solitaire (Score 1) 468

Yeah what a burden to sign up to some account with dummy details to get access to a very large list of features including not only the play store, but also backup and recovery options for encryption keys, password syncing, seemless profile moving between machines, OneDrive which is already highly integrated.

Sure, one stop access to TLAs. What's not to love?

Comment Re: copyright protects punk rockers (Score 1) 189

Either the writer is not popular. Then it friggin' doesn't matter because the song would not be popular either

Wrong. Writer is not popular because no one knows him. But the writer is good. Now the politician takes the song, and STILL no one knows the writer. The song becomes popular because of the exposure given by the politician.

There will be no possibility of the writer's fans in this case as you can understand.

Comment Re:Stupid (Score 1) 387

Plan the meeting agenda ahead of time

Working with people in different continents means brainstorming with them too. That means 10 people will have different pieces of information, 10 will have ideas based on them. A single person can "plan" ahead only as much as his own information. This being 10% of the total information, ideas generated by himself would need to be seriously modified even if useful by themselves. This modification needs to be communicated fast and effectively - even while being bombarded by 9 others giving extra information and giving their own original and modified ideas.

The above might seem more chaotic than it needs to be, but it is definitely something for which "planning" gets dwarfed.

With 10 people in the same room, an effective brainstorming session can be produced. Something about the virtual central shared whiteboard hampers it.

Comment Re:Syntax hilighting (Score 1) 443

Is there any way you like to highlight things? Do you see code better when different fonts / styles are used for different types of texts in the code? Underline / bold etc.?

About bad "ls" colour schemes, I have myself used "echo *" as a more readable alternative to "ls". Of course, you could change "ls" colour scheme or "ls --color=never"

Comment Re:There can be only one. (Score 1) 443

1. code browsing.
2. One or two clicks to go to a function/variable definition.
3. Compiler errors link directly to the line in question

These problems have been very nearly solved in vim and emacs environments for most popular programming languages. For C - for at least 15 years, for java - at least 5 years.

Comment Re:Minimum Wage (Score 1) 1094

What if you sell coffee and a fungus drives the price of coffee up? What if your town shuts down for a week because of a tornado? What if your truck gets wrecked?

All these events, if occasional, can be mitigated by saving / investment. If regular, most businesses will shut down.

Are you saying this is about raising the wages for some month only when certain astrological patterns are seen, on an average one month a year?

Comment Re:What book value means (Score 1) 335

The value of the Coca Cola brand is the difference beween the above value, and the value of a company measured in the same way, but selling "no name" brand cola (probably close to zero).

So to measure the worth of Coca Cola, you need to spend lots of money in establishing another cola company and make it sell no name brand cola. This is not practical. If the company is imaginary, it doesn't come under "easily established", it comes under "educated guess" that the GP was mentioning.

If the value of this imaginary company is assumed to be zero, you are essentially saying the value of Coca Cola company is same as the value of the Coca Cola brand. This is clearly wrong.

Comment Re:And OP is retarded. (Score 1) 335

platinum and gold, two precious metals with very similar properties

They are extremely dissimalar.

1. Platinum is harder than pure iron - though matches gold in ductility and malleability if enough force is applied. It is much much harder to work with than gold.

If you have raw gold as money, you can divide it into pieces with relatively little skill or force. Not so with platinum.

2. Platinum is much much rarer than gold.

Comment Re:And OP is retarded. (Score 1) 335

1. Somewhat less easily verified than gold.

2. Not divisible - the worth is proportional to fourth power of size, depending on other factors. And serious technology is required to divide it, except along the lines at which a piece of diamond wants to be divided.

So you have a diamond worth 20 horses, but you want only one horse. By dividing the diamond into 20, you have reduced the worth of your diamond by many orders of magnitude. IF you are able to divide it into 20 at all.

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