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Comment Seat belt switch (Score 2) 204

This reminds me of the systems they tried to impose in the early 70s' US cars: if the seat belts weren't latched, the cars would not start. No, not just an annoying bong for a brief time; the freaking engine would not even turn over. And this being completely analog, system failures happened quite a bit. But fear not! If there was a failure, there was an under hood button you could push to bypass the system. Once. A one-time use, then you had to tow the car to a dealership for a new box. As most everyone by-passed this insanity, the system was quickly dropped.

Here's hoping Intel also comes to their senses about their one-time recovery window (hopefully with some well-deserved threats from the FTC).

Comment 3D Printing (Score 1) 78

I suppose it is well-nigh impossible to ever 3D print semi-conductors, but I hope someone is at least researching the concept.

I think printing your own guaranteed backdoor-free hardware would be a far more important blow for freedom than 3D printing yet another killing machine.

Comment The really troubling part (Score 2) 129

If every OS and system on the planet is merely your plaything, you are now not just a government agency but a standalone entity that can completely self-fund without leaving a trace, and thus answerable to no one, most especially mere elected civilians.

And if the Senators or POTUS get uppity, well no one that achieves those offices are innocent, thus they are completely blackmailable, if not subject to out and out threats (especially their families).

I think this is the main reason every man that now becomes President ends up with gray hair, regardless of their age.

Comment Re:They need a Microwave (Score -1, Troll) 66

Being able to 100% protect the President is something they have to get right the first time, and every time.

Seeing how crap they've been over the last several years (hooker scandals, fence jumping guy with a knife gets INTO the White House, etc.), I'm suspect that only applies if the POTUS is White.

Comment Oh in that case... (Score 1) 103

The article specifically addresses the issue of standing:

"The 2013 mass surveillance disclosures included a slide from a classified NSA presentation that made explicit reference to Wikipedia, using our global trademark. Because these disclosures revealed that the government specifically targeted Wikipedia and its users, we believe we have more than sufficient evidence to establish standing."

So instead it will be thrown out as 'fruit of the poisoned tree' (stolen documents).

Same police state, different day.

Comment Demographics (Score 1) 606

The GOP (other than small enclaves such as frat houses) is demographically doomed. Much like Fox News, their largest core group is rapidly graying and not being replaced at a high enough rate. In the long run even abject, rapacious greed isn't enough to keep them as a viable party. But they are not going quietly, screaming racist and misogynist epithets as they rapidly slide into oblivion.

Comment Re:Baking political correctness in society (Score 1) 367

Look at it as an insight into how people REALLY feel--when they're not compelled by threat of expulsion/arrest/harassment to be polite and politically correct.

The other harsh reality is that the source of easily +90% of this garbage is spewed from the orifices of white men, symmetrically bell-curving around college age.

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