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Comment Sue? (Score 1) 335

point being, they're breaking the law in the country where the servers were in... they're going to slip up some day and hack someone that sues them abroad and in usa...

Sue? Nah, I want the offended country to consider the hacking as an act of war, justifying the seizing of assets and jailing of US government officials on charges of espionage. And a big country; too big to drone / carpet bomb. I'd advise Brazil to conduct a test case.

Comment Walmart (Score 0) 651

I saw my first gun-packing meathead in Walmart last week end (why, he was White - how did you guess?). I was very tempted to go up to him and ask :"What are you so scared of, that you have to carry a gun in public?" We all should, every time.

Unless you're living in Beirut, the real reason for 'packing' is race-based fear and / or small, limp junk.

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