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Comment Put it another way (Score 1) 273

Would we all enjoy an announcement that the Koch Brothers will offer to fully-fund public education on the state level, but only if the state agrees to teach only the political, economic and scientific theory that the brothers approve (with violations being an instant termination)?

Public Education should be just that, not a plaything of the 1%; not for ideological reasons nor for 30 pieces of silver to cover budget shortfalls.

Comment Best answer (Score 1) 461

The best answer I've seen as to what happened: this was a failed take-over of the plane (suicide attack, not high-jacking). It didn't work, so no one is going to claim responsibility (along with not tipping their hand at future attempts). And as it went into the sea at speed nearly perpendicular, not much of a debris field, just like the Airbus out of South America a few years ago.

Comment Wat (Score 2) 545

Before the farm subsidy act of the 1950's, no one grew food crops in California, and no one raised cattle.

So all those 1930's Dust Bowl farmers moved from the plains to California just because the desert was more picturesque?

Comment Careful what you wish for (Score 1) 181

This reminds me of a Calc lecturer I had that when hearing a request from the hall to slow down his board work, relayed a story that when he was in college, his Calc prof had broken his writing arm but soon taught himself to use his other hand instead.

Once he was healed, he then started using both hands to write on the chalk board during his lectures.

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