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Comment Insurance Companies (Score 1) 192

No doubt research like this is being underwritten by insurance companies, whose lobbying arm will buy the politicians necessary to make this a legal requirement, along with some astroturfing sheeple moms: "Driving a car is a privilege, not a right! Won't someone think of the children!"

One more of our independencies snuffed out by the tech we thought would free us.

Comment Re:FWIW (Score 1) 700

I'm a Christian, and I would prefer that there is no such thing as a 'religious' exemption from taxation.

We must go all the way: eliminate tax deductions for the religious institution of marriage. Government has no right in rewarding - to be blunt - Breeders (including adopters). We need *less* people, not *more*, FFS.

Comment Consumer Mandate (Score 1) 72

This is a fantasy that will never happen in the US, but might in the EU: require computer hardware manufacturers and those that sell said merchandise to clearly and explicitly state the Revision Level of the actual piece being offered for sale, and what changed in the new revision. A lot of these folks treat that info like the family jewels, with no way of knowing what version you will end up with until it is actually in your hands. Why? So they don't have to recall / scrap / take a bath on the Rev 0 crap that is already in the pipeline that they know has issues, as evidenced by them moving on the Rev 1.

Comment The most important App (Score 2) 489

The most important app that you folks could make is one that just launching it, begins recording audio and video (along with GPS info) which is real-time streamed to the encrypted file storage holder of your choice (ACLU, EFF, Glen Greenwald, Anonymous, a BitTorrent service, etc.). It would also have local storage for later auto-upload if not a good enough signal at the time and gives the goons a false sense of security upon deleting / wiping / crushing the device. But the kicker is: neither those recording it, nor the device itself, will have the ability to delete the uploaded record.

Comment Serpico (Score 1) 489

I know what the groupthink around here is, but ", because of videos, we are seeing just how systemic and widespread it is" is an expression of a preconceived notion, not a valid inference from data.

Frank Serpico *still* gets death threats from LEOs he didn't even serve with, so yeah, I'm more inclined (as the video evidence increases) to think less Thin Blue Line and more Big Blue Klan.

Comment Throw Away Culture (Score 1) 166

So at what looks to be the beginning of another Dry Epoch on the High Plains (REGARDLESS OF THE CAUSE), we're still allowing millions of gallons of WATER to be thrown away instead of strictly mandating it be recovered and cleaned by any means necessary (and paid for by those that polluted it). Even setting aside their lies about the earthquake cause, this is the most damning proof of a corrupt Oklahoma government (though hardly the only one in the region).

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