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Comment Bad assumption (Score 1) 208

Or, more appropriately, the NSA is part of the executive branch.

Obama is the Chief Executive.

If he really wanted to stop this shit, he could issue an executive order stopping this shit.

You've made the assumption he's actually in charge. Look at how much he campaigned for, that he's now against in deed and action, and to a far greater degree of just a 'typical lying politician'. For all practical purposes (other than his tepid healthcare plaything), he is a Republican. Gitmo, Wall Street, on and on and on.

Knowing what they've already done (with more to come unless they kill Greenwald first), is it really tinfoilism to think the NSA threatened the POTUS and his family to retain all their limitless power?

Comment Simple explanation re metered billing (Score 1) 466

Ironically, a lot of US customers are vehemently against metered Internet,

Because we US consumers know innately if such a billing method were come to pass, the 'minimum balance due' each month - even if no device was even hooked up - would be within 90-95% of our current three-figure cable bill.

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