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Comment Re:"Conservatives" hating neutrality baffles me (Score 1) 550

The FCC is trying to gather power for itself. My bet is that "net neutrality" will be like the Fairness Doctrine. It will be used to marginalize viewpoints, positions, and organizations which go against the government enforced orthodoxy.
If these rules were really what everyone believes net neutrality to be, why did the FCC Chairman insist on keeping the actual rules secret until they are actually passed?

Comment Re:"Conservatives" hating neutrality baffles me (Score 1) 550

That government granted monopoly was a federal law ALLOWING local government to interfere in the market and forbid other companies from competing with their ISP of choice. My understanding is that the courts had found against such arrangements until the federal law allowing them was passed.
So your answer to a problem created by the federal government is to give the federal government more power?

Comment Re:Not understanding the world (Score 1) 550

I have heard the theory of "natural monopolies". Classic examples are telephone service and cable service. Both of which became monopolies because of government intervention NOT because of market forces. The theory of "natural monopoly" was used to justify the government regulating both telephone service and cable service monopolies into existence.

Comment Re:The Elephant Internet (Score 1) 209

Even without manipulation the data will be corrupted with incorrect information. If people come to rely on these timelines there will be no way to correct such erroneous information. Or if it can be corrected it will only be after spending a lot of effort to do so (and probably money).

Comment Re:"Conservatives" hating neutrality baffles me (Score 1) 550

If it was not for government action creating local cable monopolies, Comcast would never have been able to be a monopoly. The problem was created BEFORE deregulation. Deregulation did not create Comcast's monopoly. It merely allowed it to extend it into more regions. Monopolies are not a natural product of an unregulated free market. With rare exceptions, if a market is completely free when a company starts to acquire monopoly power in it some form of competition will arise breaking that monopoly. The only times this does not happen is when the government, at one level or another, steps in to prevent such competition.

Comment Re:Yeah the FCC is stifling freedom! (Score 1) 550

If Comcast did not have a monopoly they would not have the ability to shake-down content providers for more money. And since this does nothing to take away that monopoly (which was given to them by the government in the first place) all it does is require Comcast to be more creative(or more secretive) in shaking down content providers for more money.

Comment Re:"Conservatives" hating neutrality baffles me (Score 2, Informative) 550

Most conservatives see monopoly manipulation for what it is, a product of government regulation. Comcast does not have a near monopoly position because of market forces. It has a near monopoly because of government actions which GAVE it that near monopoly.

Comment Re:The Elephant Internet (Score 4, Insightful) 209

No, it won't be the breakup with your ex-girlfriend from years ago that you will be judged on. You will be judged based on that STD that your timeline says you had ten years ago, as reported by a doctor you never saw (or even heard of). The problem isn't that deeds will never be forgotten (well, OK that will be a problem too). It is that deeds you never committed, but the database says you did, will never be forgotten.

Comment Re:Hillary is a divisive figure *among Democrats* (Score 2) 538

She is, in fact, from the right wing of the party and could have been an establishment Republican a generation ago.

The first part of that sentence is true and tells you how far left the Democratic Party has moved. The second part is nonsense. A generation ago, Hillary was on the left fringe of the Democratic Party. She has not moved right, the Party has moved left.

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