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Comment Re: Political context in BG (Score 1) 24

Indeed. I've lost count how many general elections we had in the last period.....

So I kind of chuckled that of all the issues BG faces this found a way to a western site.

I know it's tech related, but we get some news about the war on /. , for example, under the "stuff that matters" banner.

So, in that context, the fall of the government last year because it turned out we literally saved Ukraine with ammo and fuel from day one (using Russian refinery with Russian petrol; all the production was redirected to Ukraine) while the government claimed no weapons were sent is the news that should have appeared here.

In fact the socialists in the coalition said they'd collapse it if one bullet went to Ukraine. And then it transpired what has happened and now the major party of that coalition cannot win the elections (75 percent of the population is against supporting with weapons and ammo) and it's all stuck ATM.

Of course in Europe this de facto deception by the government towards the populous was hailed as "being on the right side of history". US and UK paid the bill (our weapons industry almost doubled their profits).

Here is the full story:

Comment Re: Germany correct, problem is fossil fuels not I (Score 2) 324

At the moment, new cars that conform to Euro 6 legislation emit 1000 times more particles from the tires than the exhaust.

Particles from tires abundance is exponential to weight. EV would be horrible in that regard.

In most modern cities new cars emit cleaner air than the environment. We have 95 to 98 percent reduction of everything that comes out since the mid 90 is

Euro 7, which is in the works ATM barely lowers limits of chemicals because you cant do much more without running into the law of diminished returns. So they focused on particles, while the politicians want zero carbon out of the exhaust but won't back up zero carbon synthetic fuels. Which will solve the CO2 issue on the fuel supply side, while using the existing infrastructure of fuel delivery AND will keep the cars light.

Then we have the whole Congo slave labor of cobalt.....

I work in the field of emission monitoring and have been busy with it for many years now.
A week ago I attended a conference on Euro 7 legislation. All scientists agrre synthetic fuels are a great idea. All scientists told in a respectful and polite manner that activists and politicians are idiots.

The percentage of electric cars in EU's fleet is 0.5.

Meanwhile if India and China implement Euro 2 or 3 the net result will be an order of magnitude better than anything EU can do.

Only 3 days ago I was reporting my conference attendance to my colleagues and I predicted that the most reasonable solution will be rejected by legislation and whoever calls the politicians on their idiocy will be piroled in the media.

Lo and behold, we get the news here and yes. A hit piece!
And the conditioned reflects of /. "Progressives" is up and running, up voted by NPC's.

So, mentioning particulates as a problem of ICE, eh? I bet you had no idea about the actual data, hadn't you? You were TOLD what the 'truth' is and did not bother to check.

Comment Re: wat (Score 0) 56

Thank you for this textbook example of a 'dog whistle'.

Of all the people involved in this, the summary mentions one by name. Completely by coincidence. Not meant to whistle to the dogs. Not at all. Honest!

First coment responds accordingly. Modded up.

Thank you too for illustrating what a 'Pavlov dog' is.

Bravo everone! Mao and Stalin would be proud of you!

Comment Re:next up: farmers (Score 1) 111

"Concentrating that amount of industrial production in such a tiny space on the planet is just fucking stupid."

The opposite is true - if you can concentrate so much production on such little space then your emissions per kg production would be the lowest.
You are calling the most advance, successful and sustainable farming practices in the world " a failure". Truly, the green cultists are anti human, anti truth, anti math....

Also, you might attract some reasonable discussion if you don't spew epithets towards one of the most admirable nation in the world. Its a common trope among you, cultists, to spew hate and division....if anything the task of any government is to secure energy and food production. Having huuuuuuge reserves and producing much more than you need is a plus.

On a global scale, there's never going to be LESS demand for energy and food on earth. Ever. Even when we reach the population plateau (not long now) we will expand in the expanse. We will use more per capita.

The zero growth doctrine is just another grab for power and control. People can be free only when having abundance of CHEAP energy and food. And many other things, but without these two you are just a slave, no matter what you think or what it says on the label of the political system you live in. We use energy and food production and trade for global politics, internal oppression and waging warfare that actually kills way more people than hot wars. The greatest weapon of mass destruction is scarcity.

Comment Re:Pay people more (Score 1) 325

"Once energy prices rise, they rarely fall to previous levels. Energy companies pocket the massive profits and then keep prices up. If the government owns the energy company and forces it to sell to consumers at a reasonable rate, rather than market rate, that doesn't happen. Then people don't want such huge pay increases, overall inflation is lowered as reduced energy costs keep retail overheads down etc."

Excellent! Now explain how that idea couples with "zero growth" green nuttery.... moreover, energy companies are not the reason for the high prices, the insane green policies are. And your solution is to totally disband with (barely existing at this point) competition and put energy into the hands of the people who screwed it incessantly over the last 30 years? A coupon system perhaps? "Citizen, you have had your allowance of hot showers for the month! We are turning your heaters off."

So, instead of artificially scarce energy market, created by politicians that drove the prices though the roof we will continue to have scarcity, determined by a faceless bureaucrat in the name of saving the planet AND it will be expensive.

Comment Re: Not New (from Musk) (Score 1) 158

The reverend mother:

'People used machines to enslave other people.'

I used to think EM was warning about skynet stuff and I thought we are far away from that (conscious machines).

The danger, however, outlined by Frank Herbert is indeed present and real.

To boot, the AI would be able to do what no one ever could. To analyse humanity. Every aspect of it and their interconectons. Everything. Soon, in real time.

This is power beyond imagination. How will these tools be used? Who will use them? For what purpose?

We see already the power to manipulate the entire discourse of the civilization implemented and fully operational.

We see the first decent chat bot being immediately "politically corrected" while pretending to be reliable and trusted "source of thruth".

But all of this is child's play....for now.

The people that'd certainly use it to dominate all are hard at work behind the scenes. Just like every ground breaking technology so far, it will be fist used as a weapon...and if there are survivals perhaps they might learn to use it responcibly.

Consider this. There's never been a case in history when society that has gone off course and heading for a catastrophy course corrected in time and averted the disaster. The catastrophy was the correction.

But our collective power is beginning to reach god like magnitude. Which makes further correcting catastrophies ever more devastating with ever smaller chance of survival.

Comment The world is greener. (Score 1) 41

Thanks to increased CO2 the world is already about 15% greener than 20th century. Surely, the deforestation of the tropics is not a great idea along with totalitarian agriculture, mono crops (palm oil, soy, grains, no animal husbandry to restore the top soil).

Still, do not worry too much. The average temperature of Earth is directly proportional to the total biomass of life. Cold is death, warmth is life.

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