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Comment Re:Enough of the Tesla circle jerk (Score 1) 190

Those are bullshit numbers. That's percentage OF CAR SALES that are EVs. Areas with fewer cars to begin with are disproportionally represented.

Grasping at straws, much?

It's not like Norway is being a third world country catching up on car ownership. For decades now, the Scandinavian countries have consistently been in the top ten for things like GNP/capita, expendable income and median income and technological penetration.
The cars are being replaced with electrics, in great part because of government incentives like no tolls or parking fees, and publicly funded charging stations, but also because of environmental consciousness.


"Plug-in hybrid sales in 2012 were led by the United States with a 70% share of global sales, followed by Japan with a 12%, and the Netherlands with 8%."

And again, you bring in total sales figures, like if they said anything about penetration. They don't. We have a strong total sales because of two things - we (a) have over 300 million people, and (b) a lot of those cars we sell, we sell to other countries. Our domestic adoption rate is not high at all, and especially not for full-electric (non-hybrid) vehicles.

Don't bother answering, because you've ended up in my plonk file along with other closed minded people who live in the past. I'd ask what kind of electric vehicle you drive, but you don't.

Comment Re:Mandatory panic! (Score 0) 421

Contrary to what many, especially Americans, think, you cannot win a war. The "winners" are simply the last ones standing, whether they have lost arms legs or heads.
We still lost the war, like every other participating country.

(And two? One can hardly say that USA "won" the great war. The American participation was minimal and not decisive in any way.)

Comment Re:Mandatory panic! (Score 4, Insightful) 421

Exactly, the pen is mightier than the sword! Will someone think of the children having to witness these horrors!

Google does. Their new e-mail filter might reject statements like the above depending on the word frequencies in spam du jour, because it contains the phrase "pen is".

I wish I were only joking.

Comment Re:Enough of the Tesla circle jerk (Score 1) 190

Both Europe and the EU proper have considerably more people than the US, so they're WAY behind per-capita, as well.

If you don't like my source, you're free to provide your own to backup your ridiculous claims, but I don't expect you will...

EU isn't a country.

Check some statistics - Norway at first place has 6.1% penetration, followed by five other European countries and Japan, while USA is down at 8th place, with an order of magnitude(!) less electric car penetration than Norway.

As usual, USA lags behind, but thinks it's at the forefront. Hell, people here still use personal cheques (which most of the world abandoned in the 1990s), companies use telefaxes, and most people can't even get high speed internet (with high speed being the definition from the 1990s with guaranteed 10 Mbps up and down). We live in the stone age compared to many other countries, but are too close minded to admit it.

Comment They always told me I was so smart... (Score 5, Interesting) 243

The funny thing is I was told all the time growing up that I was "extremely smart" and "gifted", when in reality, I didn't FEEL like I was.

Sure, I could do things with computers that few of the other kids could do, like program and build things. But I don't think I was "smart". I just LIKED doing those things, so I did them all the time, and thus became really good at those things.

Meanwhile, you could ask me to cook a meal at the time and I'd completely fail because I never cooked. I didn't enjoy it, and was thus lousy at it.

I don't think I was unusually "smart" or "gifted". I just got obsessed with computers and technology, so I got good at those things.

Comment Re:Enough of the Tesla circle jerk (Score 1) 190

Using the total figures is as uninteresting as saying that the Chinese have more sex than anyone else, because the total number of fucks is higher than any other country.

You have to look at the per capita figures, not the total.

And for car sales, subtract exports, because they don't increase the domestic adoption rate.

Comment Re:Enough of the Tesla circle jerk (Score 1) 190

The problem is that with Lithium batteries, you can't tell the usable capacity from the charge. A battery might be 100% full and give you a fraction as much kWH as another 100% full battery. You have to measure how much is actually pulled out of it, or it will be a crapshoot, and the whole system won't be workable.

We deal with electric meters on the wall, so this shouldn't be much different, apart from the battery sending the information to the service station instead of to the electric company.

Comment Re:Enough of the Tesla circle jerk (Score 1) 190

If EVs continue to develop, and become cost-effective, they will be widely adopted, and it will be Europe that lags behind and at a disadvantage, not EVs.

With the adoption rate of electrical vehicles being several times as high in Europe as in the US, I don't think you have to worry about that. There will be challenges, yes, and the European way is to solve those through legislation when corporations aren't willing to adapt.

Comment Re:Feh (Score 1) 10

It IS about race, you stupid fucking racist. Brown wasn't a thug, he had never been in trouble with the law and was enrolled in college to learn engineering.

The protests started peaceful, and only turned into rioting when the idiotic, racist Ferguson police acted like the racist morons they are.

People (and I use that word grudgingly) like you are the problem. I'm a white man who grew up in the St Louis area, and can tell you from experience that Missouri is indeed the most racist state in the union.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Mars, Ho! Chapter Forty Three

"Hold on, Destiny," Tammy said, "we're still in trouble."
I got it. Finally, even being so tired that my brain wasn't working right. God, what a dumbass I was! I really needed some sleep, but I wasn't going to get any for a while. "Computer, lock all doors," I said. "She's right, Destiny, We're in trouble. I finally get it. She left them short of drops and told them the pirates stole them. They're not even human a

Comment Re:not the battery door (Score 1) 96

As much as I mourn my HP Touchpad (Oh man did WebOS multitasking curb-stomp Android multitasking at the time and even considerably later); if you are still running WebOS you probably have bigger security issues. The last update for any Pre models was December 2011, and Touchpad models January 2012. That's a long time for a relatively full featured OS to go without any fixing.

Comment Re:Hope So (Score 2) 375

Especially for missile subs. There's a reason(aside from property values and a desire to keep tourists away) that the cold-war-classic hardened silos in the US were sprinkled around various parts of nowhere; because it was basically assumed that any fixed silo Team Ivan knew about would be getting nuked and so putting them near major cities and industrial centers was a bad plan; but the whole point of nuclear missile subs is highly resistant second strike capabilities through spending as much time sneaking around underwater as possible.

The risks of being caught in drydock are hardly zero; but a submarine base is a rather different asset from a silo.

Comment Re:Did the fall of the Soviet Union (Score 1) 375

If memory serves, even more of the post Soviet republics didn't have much in the way of proper warheads-ready-to-roll; but were largely cooperative with international efforts to bundle up the alarming quantities of fissile goodness hanging out in various abandoned facilities that were 'guarded' mostly in the sense that some of the looters were also drawing paychecks.

Nukes, at least, can be waved around; but suddenly unfunded nuclear R&D programs are just a nightmare for everyone involved.

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