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Comment Re:"LONG extinct"? Hah. (Score 1) 187

but it also strikes me as arguably sounding like animal cruelty. I'd suggest that the scientific discoveries we might make by doing this may be heavily outweighed by the ethical considerations involved.

Your logic seems to be that it's unethical to bring them into a world that they can't survive in. But they all endured the waxing and waning of ice ages before that. The current thinking is that either humans or some sudden climate catastrophe caused the Holocene megafaunal extinctions, and not an inability to adapt to post ice age climate conditions. The only thing that seems to be preventing most of these species from thriving today is humans themselves.

Comment Re:Evolution less useful than math (Score 2) 431

'evolution facists' (facist as in trying to control other people's thoughts)

Eh? Teaching evolution in a *science* class is now controlling other people's thoughts? The whole reason this is an issue is because hardcore theists want to prevent it from being taught because they think it conflicts with one cultures interpretation of a creation story. Is that not attempting to control people's thoughts?

Comment Re:Geez... (Score 2) 333

When I was a kid, I coded for fun. I met a lot of guys in highschool who did this too. In college, I met even more. How many women have I meet who coded for fun since they were kids? Zero. That's telling. I think a lot of people here will say the same thing. You say there are barriers...what barriers are there preventing girls from downloading a compiler and googling some "learn to code" websites?

Comment Re:Nice to have the choice (Score 1) 255

Why oh why do people lend these arguments any credence? Change is not automatically awesome because it's "change". Unity is a shitty UI...just like Win8. They changed with the menu's so it's more difficult to find and launch applications. So now making things harder is good change? And it's also somehow related to my political beliefs? Why was this post even modded up? It's ridiculous.

Comment Re:Exchanging one bad master for another (Score 1) 172

No they have made mistakes but they try to not be evil more often then not, and that is far more than I can say about most other companies in their line(s) of business.

They might not be so evil at present. But what happens years down the road when they decide to be evil? They'll have this enormous treasure trove of data, and widespread control of information infrastructure. You know it's inevitable, right? They will not have this anti-evil philosophy forever...and in the meantime they chum the water...we eat happily...they begin pulling the net in around us.

Comment Re:Cost (Score 1) 473

You're ignoring too many social forces at play - especially religion. Despite the growth of atheism in the USA, a large majority of people in the US still turn to God as a last resort when really pressed by a life or death crisis. If the country actually fractured, it would likely be on those cultural/social lines.

This is one of the problems with Christianity in America. You seem to think atheism is some kind of powerful growing cult opposed to Christianity. Atheists are not organizing against anyone. You guys blow these Festivus Pole next to your Nativity incidents way out of proportion. They get publicized by the national media because you guys love that stuff .... you like the idea of being a persecuted minority. In reality, there is a very small politically active atheist scene, almost nonexistent. It's probably smaller than the Occupy movement. Most atheists don't care about religion as long as you're not creating religious laws or imposing religious education.

it will probably take future historians decades to realize that the real USA (as it was - "one nation, under God, indivisible"...

Oh please. Really? The only ammunition atheists have against the American Christian political juggernaut, is the First Amendment...created by the same people who apparently designed this to be "on nation, under God".

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