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Comment Re:GMOs have so many different problems (Score 2) 188

I do research too. Part of my research is paid for by public grants, part is paid for by companies who want me to test their (patented) products. I much prefer the public grant model, and I think research in important industries like health and agriculture should be mostly done publicly. But that's not the case now, and it's only heading towards less public funding. The cost for that is patents and proprietary techniques. You can't have it both ways.

Comment Re: Unhealthy food is tasty. Healthy food is borin (Score 1) 244

When most people say "processed food" they really mean "engineered food". Bread is processed, yes, but so is cooked meat, and there's A reasonable theory that the Invention of cooking made food more easily digestible, freeing up energy to evolve our big brains in the first place.

There's also evidence that prepared food that is literally engineered to be as cheap as possible, taste good and make you want more, may not be so good for you.

Comment Re:Unhealthy food is tasty. Healthy food is boring (Score 2) 244

It would be interesting to see what we came up with if a significant number of people knew that working on things they're interested in was a viable choice. You could also no longer use the excuse "but I have to eat" for doing unethical things at the behest of your employer. Which is why it will probably never happen.

Comment Re:Not All Fats are Equal (Score 1) 244

Carbohydrates are also essential to the diet, particularly for the brain. Many tissues in your body are reasonably happy burning a variety of things, but your brain likes it's glucose very much. You can't just eliminate or seriously restrict a nutrient and not have negative consequences.

The problem is that many people have diets that are wildly skewed. They may eat too little fat and too much carbohydrate. Or too much fat and carbohydrate and too little protein and micronutrients.

Comment Re:Reconciling faith with science (Score 1) 305

Yes and no. Separation of sea and sky would be the final step if you interpret land forming to mean hardening. However, after the seas formed, there was a second period of dry land forming, in which it emerged from underneath the oceans. So depending on which dry land formation you're talking about, the order of those two could be correct.

The timing of the creation of day and night is, indeed, dubious, but... when did the moon actually collide with Earth and form what we know as the moon today, in terms of geological time?

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One of the chief duties of the mathematician in acting as an advisor... is to discourage... from expecting too much from mathematics. -- N. Wiener
