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Comment Re: Blacks are dumber than whites (Score 1) 96

"And most of Africa is Capitalist"

I see you, like the vast majority of people, have no idea what that term means. HINT: If you have a central bank, you aren't capitalist. HINT 2: If you have corrupt, thieving government officials, then you aren't anywhere NEAR capitalist. The role of government in a capitalist society is to prevent and punish aggression from within and without. Not to rob the people and enrich those in power.

Comment Re: Blacks are dumber than whites (Score 1) 96

"There is no genetically defined prejudice against people with different skin color"

Nope, sorry. This is shown in videos of the youngest children. Babies focus more on white dolls than black ones. Facts won't go away just because they are uncomfortable.

Also, just waving your hands around and saying "that isn't so" isn't proof.

"we grew up too poor to afford the *luxury* of being racist. We had more important things to worry about than the color of our friends skin"

You act as if that is some kind of point. This has nothing to do with being friends with anyone. Most white people have black friends. I do and have since I was a little boy. That doesn't change the fact that blacks are perceived as being more masculine and less trustworthy based solely on skin color (as shown with the same effect occurring in India), and that this occurs in all human societies, including those populated entirely by black people.

Comment Re: Blacks are dumber than whites (Score 2) 96

White people lived in mud huts until not that long ago. And only a few of the most traditional societies in Africa still live like that, or those in the most oppressed, anti-capitalistic societies. Capitalist nations, like Botswana, boast GDPs that rival first world nations, and are really only called anything other than first world because they have crappy neighbors.

Comment Re: Blacks are dumber than whites (Score 2) 96

"So, human skin color determines other characteristics?"

If you don't believe that, then you don't believe in racial discrimination. Skin color doesn't directly dictate characteristics. IE an all white or an all black society can and have historically been equally barbarous or ascendant. But mix the two together and something strange happens. The society stratifies according to skin tone. This has happened in many entirely separate cultures (India being a good examples--dark skinned South Indians have rarely ruled over light skinned North Indians). This is clearly not due to some inherent mental defect caused by increased melanin production, but by societal interaction. Placing more trust in light skinned people, and less trust in dark skinned people. Even the Incas were said to be ruled by light skinned (and even blond headed) people, where the Aztecs worshipped some ancient whites they may have encountered as gods (and thus perhaps mistook blond haired, blue-eyed Spaniards for Gods). White skin is bad for you, in that it increases skin cancer. Light colored eyes are bad for you as well, as you more quickly lose your sight in old age. Yet these characteristics have been strongly preserved. There must be a reason for that.

" Too bad IQ tests are a poor indicator of overall intelligence"

No, it is a very good indicator of that. It's just that it correlates almost exactly with skin color, more precisely than with genetics (ie Australian aboriginals and Southern Indians have very low IQs on average, not just Africans, or some certain subset of Africans, as would otherwise be predicted by genetic theory).

It seems to me that skin color causes other people to behave differently towards you. As shown in studies of the perceptions of young children (, dark skin is perceived as "bad", "ugly", "masculine", "dishonest" where white skin was perceived as the opposite. Think about how interactions with people who have such genetically defined prejudice against you would effect your development. This is what we call a "self fulfilling prophesy". Kids who aren't trusted tend to be more anti-social--period. This is well known, as kids, including white kids, who get caught in the system tend to remain in it and become ever more criminal. IE they are treated like criminals, so they become criminals.

Failing to recognize these features/biases in human cognition doesn't help anyone. It only hurts us. ALL of us. Most especially the disadvantaged groups we claim that we are trying to help. Fact is: they need to be isolated from white people, because they trust them more than they should, at the expense of their own who are trusted less than they should be, based on individual merit. Communities like Greenwood prospered, until they ran afoul of whites. Then they were annihilated. The current system certainly seems to have failed blacks. Seems like it is time for a change.

Comment Re: Blacks are dumber than whites (Score 1) 96

"It's also unscientific to ignore peer-reviewed research that shows conclusively there is absolutely no difference in intelligence level "

That would be the case, were it true. But it isn't, sadly. It is so much easier to just wave your hands and claim that we are all the same, but we aren't. It might not even be genetic. I suspect that anyone who was born with dark skin would see a similar, if less pronounced effect as the sheep wearing the scary mask:

Human brains all work the same. Problem is that human brains interpret differing skin colors to have differing characteristics, something that might just be a self fulfilling prophesy. One that can only be solved by that most anti-liberal of solutions--segregation.

Comment Re:Like financial systems, audit labs (Score 1) 245

"is it just because they dont want to be perceived as being weak on crime?"

That is exactly it. Politics is a game of one upsmanship. If you EVER say that we should go easier on criminals, you lose the election to the political version of the internet tough guy. Then you serve 30 years in prison for having a fucking joint.

Comment Re:Beyond reasonable doubt (Score 2) 245

Not pardoned, but their conviction should be thrown out.

And the entire legal system of Massachusetts should be dismantled and rebuilt from the ground up, firing EVERYONE who was anything higher than a mid-level manager.

Although honestly, this travesty of justice makes me think that even more drastic action is needed. I'm thinking we release all non-violent prisoners and hold a constitutional convention. The system is fucked up in a fundamental way, and we need to rebuild it so that it isn't.

Comment Re:Slashdot Is Dead (Score 1) 127

You seem like a person who likes getting non-consentually fucked in the ass a la George Lucas' treatment of every ingle one of his properties.

I don't have any further commentary on the subject. It just seems like you love getting raped in the asshole on a pinball machine.

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