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Comment Re:I do not understand (Score 2) 538

It's not so much that they are stupid as they are caught in a sort of (I suspect purposefully designed) prisoner's dilemma. They get to vote on who will be "their" warden, and only get fed according to the seniority of their warden. Thus, it pays to keep a sadistic nutjob in office once they have any seniority at all. If they don't, then they starve.

Systems like this can't be changed from the inside. At best you can have a constitutional convention to fix these problems. At worst, you get civil war when one group becomes so oppressed they have to secede or risk real and literal starvation.

Comment Re:*IF* autonomous driving ever happens (Score 1) 477

Flying cars have been shot down repeatedly by the FAA, and we would have moonbases by now if the Feds hadn't given a monopoly on space travel to NASA (and the US military) when it was founded. The monopoly was only lifted fully in the 2000's, and as a result, commercial space enterprise is booming.

Not looking for an argument on whether such regulation are good or bad or whatever, just stating facts.

Comment Re:what about basic income and Health Care for all (Score 1, Interesting) 477

Fault is moot in that case. Whoever is insuring the vehicle that malfunctioned and caused the accident will pay out. You won't have to wait for anything. There will be lawsuits afterwards, sure, but it will be the insurance company trying to recover their costs from the manufacturer, and it won't really have much of anything to do with you.

And socialism is not the answer to ANYTHING. We already have socialism in medicine, and have for more than 100 years. More specifically, fascism/corporatism. Before that, we had a free market, and even the poorest family could afford a middle of the night housecall from a doctor. They had a harder time paying for the medicine than the doctor.

A basic income is better than the current haphazard welfare system, but it is unneccessary. Do you need free money from the government to pay for access to internet websites? No. Machines have brought the cost of such services down so much that its not even worth it to charge you anything. Robots will do the same thing with real world goods and services. Once everything is automated, everything will be free. If you have some weird thing that you want that requires human intervention, you will have to pay for that, but that's about it. Socialism will only delay that lofty goal.

Comment Re:What an Embarrassingly Vapid Article (Score 0) 477

"Eventually, because there are more people than jobs (not just from driverless cars, think about how many jobs your smart phone replaces) you'll have to move to socialism."


Why do socialists always say and think the stupidest things? You idiots thought we would have to move to socialism as a result of abandoning agrarianism for industrialism too, and the people who listened to you starved and died if they didn't get murdered first.

Tell me, do we need socialism on the INTERNET? SPOILER ALERT: no we don't. An economy of plenty arose due to machines handling pretty much everything with minimal human intervention, and as a result, pretty much everything is free. You idiot socialists would have killed it in the crib.

Comment Re:Nuclear Disarmament is Idiotic (Score 1) 228

"it is utterly naïve to think that nuclear power would ever be the solution for underdevelopment"

Really? Cheap power doesn't lead to economic development? Are you developmentally disabled, or just a liberal?

"It is also naïve to think that the nuclear empowered nations do not take part nor have an interest on preventing that more countries develop nuclear technology."

Uh, duh. That's because those nations are led by warmongers who see non-nuclear armed nations as possessions rather than as free peoples. And they aren't far off the mark.

"I am not even thinking Iran, but Brazil and Argentina."

Yes, because US doctrine doesn't allow for South American countries that we can't topple at any time we want. You know, because the US is led by warmongers.

Comment Re: what will be more interesting (Score -1, Troll) 662

"this separation is taken very seriously"

Hahaha, it's like you were born yesterday. Or maybe 80 years ago. The West has degraded. No lever of power is left unattended. The independence of media is a bald faced lie, and has been for at least 14 years, and I suspect that time will tell us that it was NEVER independent, and that it has always been controlled by intelligence organizations.

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