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Comment Re:Dying is for sissies (Score 1) 187

You underestimate people and likely AIs. A properly programmed strong AI will seek to maximize the fulfillment of human values, including resurrecting loved ones, or just as many people as possible (satisfies people like me), and will likely just want to satisfy the values of those who preserved themselves--ie they clearly valued life.

All you have to do is survive until it happens.

Comment Re:zomg singularity! (Score 1) 145

Most systems aren't self referencing. Economies are. The Agricultural and Industrial revolutions are good examples of economic hockey sticks. A new method made EVERYTHING better, almost all at once. A thinking computer will do much the same, but to an even greater degree. Imagine trillions of people just sitting around thinking about ways to solve various problems all day, with no need for sleep, and only needing a little electricity to eat. Then turn some of that thinking power toward improving their own efficacy and efficiency.

Comment Re:Please See: (Score 1) 635

Which experiment? You mean the single one done and repeated a few times in the 1800's that don't really apply to Earth's atmosphere?

CO2 is a greenhouse gas on Mars, or compared to a vacuum, or an atmosphere full of monoatomic and diatomic gasses, but it retains LESS heat than the average molecule of gas in Earth's atmosphere. You can see this for yourself if you bothered to look them up, as I did a few years ago.

Comment Re:Please See: (Score 1) 635

Water vapor is short lived, but we have shifted the equilibria. Ignoring that and focusing on the CO2 red herring will both lose you the support of industry and anyone who actually bothers to re-examine the core axiom of AGW, which is, in fact, blatantly, and I think purposefully wrong.

Saying that water vapor isn't a problem because of its short lifespan is like saying MRSA infections are no big deal because the bacteria just die in a few hours anyways.

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