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Comment Re:Ultracompetent robots (Score 1) 112

Sounds like you are some sort of bitter old man who is far out of the loop, given the fundamental advance that has enabled the explosion of deep learning over the last few years.

Saying "AI is AI" shows your utter ignorance of the current state of the field.

We are now laying the foundations for a strong AI with things like visual processing and speech recognition. We now know the portion of the human brain responsible for long term planning. Once we get the trick of it, I would bet that we will have an AGI within months.

Comment Quantum Computing Required? (Score 4, Insightful) 294

I don't understand the train of thought that leads to the notion that quantum computing is a prerequisite for strong AI, unless there has been some research that has shown that the human brain is a quantum computer. No, it seems to me that we have all the tools we need already, and now it is just a matter of Moore's Law progressing until we can build a neural net that is as powerful as a human brain. Well, that and a leap in design that allows long term planning, like the change that happened when man ceased to be a dumb beast and became what he is today.

Comment Re:Ultracompetent robots (Score 1) 112

Both are full of AI. You are confusing AI (narrow intelligence, things like voice recognition and sorting algorithms) with AGI (something that could pass for human, or at least perform a wide variety of tasks near or above human level), a distinction I made in my post.

Comment Re:Whatever ... (Score 1) 141

Then stop complaining about not having fucking flying cars like it is some kind of failure of technology.

Also, why are you not in favor of even letting people TRY!? These projects have all been shut down in their infancy, with projects by major players being total non-starters. VTOL means that the entire process could have been AUTOMATED with 90's era tech.

Comment Ultracompetent robots (Score 2, Insightful) 112

Well, "boring" robots might represent the IMMEDIATE future, but highly integrated AI is already the present (search, siri, etc), and highly integrated AGI will follow with high probability, with highly integrated ASI highly likely to follow after that. There is no reason that I can find to think differently, outside of handwaving "it's impossible" arguments, which are immediately disproven by the existence of our own brains and the incredible things we have been able to do with neural nets on par with insect brains.

Comment Re:With Uber at least there is tracking and identi (Score 1) 82

There is absolutely no comparing modern GPS to the GPS of even a few years ago. Machine learning is the difference.

And yes, Uber's GPS includes traffic and weather conditions. Potholes are transient, you avoide them by keeping your eyes on the road, not by memorizing their locations for a bloody exam.

Sorry if I don't think that you need a fucking PhD in Roadology to drive a car from point A to point B.

Comment Re:But will anyone actually buy them? (Score 1) 451

"Nothing in my post deserved your abuse."

Yes, it did, actually. Apparently Oz is both ruled and populated by morons if they put huge groups of people out in the middle of the fucking desert miles away from so much as a convenience store. This is not how human communities are supposed to function. I live in the sticks, quite a ways outside of a small city, and don't expect ANYONE to come out to me, pay huge sums of money to have connections to any sort of line or service brought out to me, and yet there is still a convenience store down the block. Major commercial center is three minutes by car. And this is in the middle of the fucking Texas desert.

Basically, you need to quit your whining about the results of your horrible city planning and move somewhere that wasn't zoned by the AI from the SNES version of SimCity.

Comment Re:With Uber at least there is tracking and identi (Score 1) 82

"But if that driver decides to stop and assault you, tracking them will do nothing as it's still a he-said/she-said case in court."

No it isn't, you big fat idiot. The trip record will show an anomalously long stop/side trip, and your vagina will be full of evidence of one sort or the other. No jury is going to believe that some woman just asked her Uber driver to pull over so they could have rough sex.

Comment Re:With Uber at least there is tracking and identi (Score 1) 82

Uber drivers have criminal background checks.

Uber provides commercial insurance starting when a passenger gets into the vehicle.

Uber drivers drive in cars that are identified on the ap, and tracked via not one but two separate GPS devices.

Uber drivers use GPS, which knows the roads better than any human.

Sounds like some anon in this thread is butthurt at the fact that he's obsolete. Cry me a river. Now there's a talent that won't be made obsolete for some time.

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It is clear that the individual who persecutes a man, his brother, because he is not of the same opinion, is a monster. - Voltaire
