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Comment Re:BT (Score 1) 336

The worst part about third party installers like sourceforge is that it will ask you "I agree to the terms of agreement to install Ask.com toolbar" and then you uncheck it and it installs anyways. This almost never fails, and it's not fishy English, they install it regardless and blame it on a technical glitch.

The technical glitch was letting you uncheck it at all. :)

Comment Re:Good geeks? (Score 1) 388

This is exactly right, and those kinds of geeks are not "good" geeks. They are a kind of evil themselves.

Your rocket scientist reference is both correct and a good example of that: Oppenheimer famously replied to someone asking if he was bothered by the fact that his work was being used to kill lots of innocent people and his response was that his only worry was getting them to go up. It was someone else's job to worry about where they come down.

That's pure evil, right there.

What a shock: when we grant a monopoly on snuffing out liberties to the state, the only people who are attracted to working for the state are those with desires to snuff out liberties.

Comment Re:Good geeks? (Score 1) 388

At this point, no "good" geek would work for the NSA.

It's a little bit like the police. No good human being would ever join at this point (maybe generations past). These days it's only those looking for a legal sanction of their bullying fantasies.

The NSA is looking for a few evil geeks.

Comment Re:Yea, Right! (Score 0) 261

My thoughts exactly.

I am surprised that law enforcement allowed it to be shut down in the first place. They should have taken it over, and run it for a few months, track every transaction, and then come down hard on all the dealers.

Or just sit back and bust the top seller every month. Someone else will always step up to fill the gap, and some smart cop looks like a hero to his/her superiors.

The problem with those ideas, of which the police and politicians are most certainly aware, is that any extremely effective method of catching bad guys will eventually put themselves out of business right along with the criminals. They need to only be effective enough to steal enough people away into The System (of prisons, poverty, indentured servitude into perpetuity for themselves and their offspring in a cycle), but not so effective that the reaction stops breeding.

Comment Re:YAY !! (Score 2) 261

True. The freakiest thing I saw when taking a look at SR was large amounts of cyanide from one vendor. I haven't heard about mass-poisonings, but making it that easy for a crazy to hurt a lot of people is very worrying.

Does cyanide have no uses other than poisoning? I don't know, but I presume someone who does know and is interested in playing with the stuff would rather pick it up black market than try to procure it legally and be added to a watch list somewhere.

Comment Re:Be Warned, Anandtech was paid off (Score 1) 183

Nvidia has been holding VERY profitable meetings with every possible technical site, explaining in detail just how they should trash the new AMD cards in their forthcoming reviews.

It's not uncommon for competitors to run "debunking" presentations for their partners and vendors in anticipation of their competition's releases.

Comment Re:Because of the Limited Lifespan? (Score 1) 202

I can pickup a 24-27" LED display for my desk for under $300. My old 19" CRT cost something like $500-$600 at the cheapest. Plus it weighed in at 70-80lbs and consumed 120-150W of power. And used up a ton of desk space.

On the other hand, I used to reheat cheeseburgers on the back of my monitor during my college days, when I would buy a sackful from McDonalds on 29c Wednesdays.

These days? I'd have to put them on the video card.

Comment Re:Pathetic (Score 1) 230

It's only called "Superstorm Sandy" because of the pathetic response of government and the self-centered hubris of nor-easters. It was just a hurricane; the Southeastern US getting far stronger storms much more often.

Yep...wait till a Katrina or Andrew hits your ass and then you can call it a "super" storm.

Funny you mention that, I lived in South Florida during Andrew.

Bad hurricane? Yes. Hit the ground at Category 5. Tore up Homestead. Made a mockery of the infrastructure. Eventually lead to shoring up building codes and projects putting power lines underground. But even then, nobody had the arrogance to call it "superstorm". Calling it "Superstorm Sandy" is branding conjured up by self-centered New Yorkers.

Comment Re:firing squads have one blank. (Score 4, Insightful) 1160

An interesting fact about firing squads is one person has a blank.

"One of the sharpshooters is secretly armed with a blank round, which means that each shooter can rest comfortably in the knowledge that there is a 20% chance that she never shot the prisoner."
Firing Squad History

Strange how much effort we put into trying to relieve the guilt of those carrying out the murderous orders of the state.

Comment Re:But can you trust xavier2dc? (Score 4, Funny) 250

Ken Thompson once presented a hack where he modified the C compiler to insert a backdoor in the generated code for the UNIX login code (and only that one specific module!). So trusting the compiler to do what you say is NOT an "of course".

And how can I trust the cpu to actually execute the code as compiled and not insert it's own microcode into the process? And how can I trust the memory chips that hold my data to not clandestinely copy it off someplace else?

No no, the only solution is to catch the butterflies whose wings flapped and waterboard them to learn the truth.

Comment Re:This, this, and more this! (Score 1) 372

Just like regular users can make edits, regular users can revert edits.

They should have edited it themselves to fix the error, but are you sure it wasn't just a newbie making a process mistake?

Reverting edits isn't very intuitive without any plugin helpers, it's hard to believe it would be the first thing newbies would do.

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