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Comment Re:Let me guess... (Score 1) 421

You are probably more right than you realize. If the phone is parallel to your leg it won't bend. If it rests non-parallel against your thigh and you sit down, the fabric of your clothes will stretch it around your thigh, thus bending it.

If the fabric of my pants is stronger than my phone, then something is wrong, either with the phone or my pants.

Comment Re:Black pest 2.0 (Score 1) 280

I think there's some disturbing parallels to the zombie/ebola outbreak scenario.

A lot of people laughed when the CDC put out their "Zombie Survival Guide", but this is why it wasn't just some big joke. The CDC published what is really just a guide for handling an outbreak of a major contagious disease, like Ebola, and just called the disease "Zombie" for fun.

Comment Re:why does the CRTC need this list? (Score 3, Insightful) 324

Ignoring the desires of 40% of the population is a wee bit undemocratic, wouldn't you agree?

Uh, no, if the other 60% desired otherwise, ignoring the desires of 40% of the population would, by definition, be completely democratic. That's why we don't have true democracies.

Comment Re:FOSS names (Score 2) 270

Good ones: Inkscape, Thunderbird, Blender, VirtualBox, Linux...

Crappy ones: GIMP, Tahoe-LAFS, Ubuntu, Kdenlive, XFCE...

I personally think that you hit the sweet spot when you have a name which sounds cool and professional, is easy to remember, and at least tries to vaguely describe the function of the program.

A lot of software fails your last requirement (Thunderbird, Blender, Linux for a lot of people), but that isn't limited to open source software. While Microsoft has the reasonably-named Windows and Word, they also have Outlook, Excel, and PowerPoint.

Comment Re:Cross between a music album and a video game (Score 2) 358

Lots of posts bashing the "can't be pirated" thing, and this is the first one that talks about the first thing that I noticed. Nothing mentioned in the summary is interactive in any way. When I listen to music, it's to listen to music, frequently while driving or on the bus and subway. If I wanted to do something interactive while on the bus, I'd download some games for my phone.

So what exactly is going to be interactive about this new format? Or are they just using a word that doesn't mean what they think it means?

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