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Submission + - German Jews about to sue youtube (

sebsa writes: "The German news site reports that the "Zentralrat der Juden in Deutschland" ("Central Council of Jews in Germany") considers to file a charge against youtube. They see the availability of videos like the nazi propaganda movie "Jud Süß" or music videos by neo nazi groups on the portal as an "incitement of the people", accusable by German law."
It's funny.  Laugh.

Submission + - Star Wars fan puts himself in Carbonite (

sneezesteve writes: How do you secure your nerd-cred for eternity? By acquiring a life-size replica of Han Solo in Carbonite, having Han's face removed, and replacing it with your own.

"It is made from fiberglass, and the short story is that a friend who is a special effects guy owned the piece, which was a direct casting off the original prop. He was moving, (aka getting married and yelled at) and asked me if I wanted it. I screamed a huge lispy "Yes!", and picked it up, but knew I wanted to do something cool with it. So I called my other nerdy special effects pals, and they offered to replace Harrison Ford's face with mine. I was so tired of hearing this offer in my daily life, but decided to finally consider it, so off it went.

KNB Effects in the valley took an algae mold of my entire head, then cut off Han Solo's, and replaced it with mine. They even added the frozen saliva that rushed out when Han got frozen."

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