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Comment Re:Kaspersky Lab (Score 1) 129

So, here is the question: what do they have, right now, that we don't know about?

What do you mean? The known unknowns or the unknown unknowns?

I used to think I knew what I didn't know, now I don't know...
I now know I need a lot more foil!

Comment Re:Recycled Hype? (Score 1) 116

This is actually the third "nVidia SHIELD" product. There's now a Shield Portable, Shield Tablet, and this new Shield Console.

I'll wait for the Hybrid version, I like the gasoline option, you know, just in case...
although it would need to have a great frames per gallon ratio!

Comment Re:skynet (Score 2) 291

We need to teach people how to use logic, perform analysis and give clear descriptions of what they want to happen

That would be every politician's nightmare... you can't have people thinking and reasoning, they are way too hard to control if they can figure anything out on their own.
What makes the job easy is to make everything an emotional issue requiring visceral over reaction.

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