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Comment Re:Stealing? (Score 2) 197

The developer stole nothing, one element necessary for theft is intentionally depriving the owner of their property and the owner was never deprived of their property. This is conversion

In an interesting sense, you are technically correct because the owner is not being deprived of anything. The owner, Microsoft, still has the code and is thus deprived of nothing. This fits better under industrial espionage law. Unfortunately, case law precedent makes it possible to prosecute the actor under theft statutes.

Comment Re:L2L (Score 1) 151

The idiocy of this entire thing is that the smarter of the criminals will adapt and overcome. The funny thing is that most of us are in very little danger of foreign terrorist attacks. The real danger is domestic and not terrorism either. The real danger is our political system causing an implosion.

Comment Thoughts (Score 1) 187

I have not only noticed this with Google but I've also seen something similar on legitimate file download sites like FileHippo, CNET, and others. They plaster the site with download links and you might not actually be downloading the original file(s) that you have intended but adware. It's actually hard to decipher the download link that you actually want to click. I have lost count of the number of computers I've had to clean up because of this. It's really dishonest.

Comment Who cares? (Score 0) 101

They can have all the speed in the world but it honestly doesn't amount to a scrap heap of shit. I'd be more interested in better, more reliable broadband for consumers and small business. Our broadband is still late 1990s, early 2000s technology while the rest of the world can boast gigabit to the home. I have a friend in England who has a full 100MB symmetric line for what I'm paying Verizon 50 down and 25 up and he even gets an, OMG wait for it, a static IP without bandwidth caps and port blocking. I'm sick of hearing telcos brag about their "high speed" is the best. The truth is, and no surprise here, they suck!

Comment Abject stupidity (Score 1) 46

Well, there goes any citizen's chance at recrimination against the government. The NSA got it's wet dream, get out of jail free card and ordered by, none other than, the legal system itself! Maybe, this data should have been ordered to be removed from the control of the NSA and put into private hands for storage.

Comment What ever happened .... (Score 4, Insightful) 137

to the concept of the remote controlled plane or helicopter? Now, the marketers have got their dirty mitts on it and have to call in a drone! It's not a drone, it's simply a fucking remote controlled aircraft. I love hearing the kids ask for drones for a birthday present or whatever. This entire thing is not a NEW concept yet everyone is drooling and oooh aaaahing it like it's white shit hot. I hate to break it to you but this shit has been around for a very long time. In fact, many ham radio operators got their license so that they could fly model aircraft higher and at longer distances. I should know, I'm one of them.

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