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Comment Re:Was NAT responsible for Skype outage (Score 1) 2

I have figured out why so many submissions are BBC pieces - The BBC RSS feed is the default on Firefox.

As to your comment re supernodes - I want to know how exactly that works. Does this mean that the actual traffic gets routed through client PC's? This means terrible communication security.

I am also interested to find/see answers re your question about NAT hole punching.

Submission + - Skype Crash caused by bug in Windows version (bbc.co.uk) 2

AndGodSed writes: The recent two day outage suffered by the Skype network was caused by a bug in the Windows version of the popular messaging software. Version, used by about 50% of Skype users, crashed when there was a delay in receiving information from relay servers. Because of these crashes rerouting took place across the Skype network, causing other nodes to overload and in turn go offline. Skype is offering compensation to registered and pre-paid users in the form of vouchers and a week of free service for those affected.

Submission + - iPod Nano Hacked, Jailbreak To Follow? (itworld.com)

itwbennett writes: The nano doesn't run iOS, but that 'hasn't stopped people from trying to jailbreak and modify it to support additional apps,' says blogger Ryan Faas. 'While there hasn't been much success so far, one hacker by the name of James Whelton has managed to modify the device's homescreen. That's not total success, but it shows that true jailbreaking might be possible.' But then there's the question of what sort of apps anyone would actually want to see on the tiny screen.

Submission + - Security Highs and Lows of 2010 (securityweek.com)

wiredmikey writes: This year may not be remembered for any single stand-out security incident, but 2010 still had many important lessons to teach. It was the year in which mobile malware attacks became significantly more widespread, in which efforts to combat botnets appeared to have limited success and in which, consequently, the problem of distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks appeared to show little abatement. It was a year that brought us some unfortunate reminders that many of cybercrime's oldest, tried-and-tested techniques are still able to find more than their fair share of victims.

But it was also a year that saw some of the most significant efforts to improve the security of the Internet's fundamental plumbing than we've seen in decades....

Comment And so it begins. (Score 1) 1

I am guessing that those being thrown in jail because of this are really loving Wikileaks right now.

This is the point that has been made over and over again, you cannot simply throw stuff like this onto the Internet, real lives are at stake, and Mr Assange is too arrogant to realise this.

Submission + - China to cut Rare Earth exports in 2011 by 10% (bbc.co.uk)

AndGodSed writes: What many has predicted, (and what China has promised not to do,) will happen. China announced that they will cut the export of Rare Earth Minerals by 10% next year. China has an effective worldwide monopoly, with 97% of all mineral deposits worldwide in China itself. China is not above using their monopoly to further their diplomatic aims, cutting exports to Japan in September after a territorial disagreement. Also telling is that the USA has not started production of Rare Earth Minerals, and only now seems to have the will to act. For added fun there is a rare grammatical error in the BBC article. This being Slashdot there should be much fun to be had correcting the error in the comments.

Comment Re:Aw thanks... (Score 1) 710

Well fair enough, but I think with child porn at least the idea is to prevent the exploitation of children.

If you possess child porn someone exploited children to make it. So even if you do not ever distribute it, a crime has been committed.

The same with drugs, possessing it means someone made it, and in the making of it people often get exploited.

Prosecuting possession is a bad way of tackling the "making of" problem, but it is one of the ways that the current system does it.

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