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Comment Re:Never heard that one before (Score 1) 504

Jar Jar's speech sounds a lot like Jamaican patois to me. Whether that is racist or not is another story, but Jar Jar's general behavior; stupid, lazy, and addled, do conjure up the way Pot Smokers were portrayed in literature and films for a rather long time.

Fixed it for you.

Has anyone ever noticed that the black stereotypes are also the stereotypes applied to pot smokers?

Comment Re:It's a sales tool. (Score 1) 296

As any salesman will tell you.

Step 1) Find the person who can make the decision.
Step 2) Go directly to them. Dont waist time on the people who can not buy.

Works in finding a job, skip HR and locate the hiring manager. Call him or her, contact him or her via linked-in, etc. That is the person that will get you past the HR filters.

Comment Re:Hidden Blackholes (Score 1) 92

I'm not convinced that the "gravitational lensing" we are seeing is an invisible gravity well.

From what we know of physics, time moves slower in a gravity well. The fact that "gravitational lensing" appears in distant regions where there is no mass to explain the warping of space time leads me to believe that we are seeing areas of space where time is moving faster than it is here. Causing a visual distortion of the light that passes through the area.

Comment Re:bans on knowledge rarely work (Score 1) 423

It wont make a difference.

I dont need a 3d printer to make a gun!

I drill press and some angle iron to make a jig and I can produce produce AK47's all day long.

Best part is, guns made at home dont have to be registered and the parts that you order to make them dont have a background check. Meaning As long as I make the receiver for my own personal use (that's the part with the serial number and the part that legally constitutes a gun) then I don't have to serial number it, it does not have to be registered, and I don't have to have a background check.

Officially I break the law if I sell it or make it full auto, with a note that the mechanical difference between a semi-auto and a full auto is literally a hole in the receiver and a couple of extra parts that come with the kit.

Comment Non-technical people making technical decisions. (Score 5, Insightful) 123

Looks like it boils down to Non-technical people making technical decisions.

This is more directed to managers, VP's, and C-Levels. Before you agree to a contract for technical services, you really should have a skilled technical person read it and tell you where you are about to get screwed.

I have seen contracts to outsource L1 and L2 where it stated "Any ticket that can not be handled by L1 or L2 support personal will be forwarded L3 personal provided by XXXXXXXXX." Where XXXXX was the name of the company that was outsourcing the jobs to India. Sounds good tell you find out that the Indian company hired 1 guy to do both L1 and L2. He had no computer knowledge and simple passed all tickets to L3 with the comment "Do the needful" The Indian company always met their SLA's because it was a ticket that could not be handled by the guy they hired. (Note: That one was for 1500 servers)

Another contract I was shown listed a guaranteed uptime of 96%. When I questioned it, my VP replied "There management did not understand anything technical. 4% down time was sold to them as reasonable. So don't worry about it, we will always make our SLA's" (Note to managers: 99.99% uptime is reasonable, 99.999% uptime is what you want!)

My favorite was one that stated that the customer was responsible for all documentation and procedures on servers, access, and support. That one was a huge pile of steaming fecal mater which suddenly leapt into the air oscillating device when they were SOX audited. The company they were outsourced to met the SLA's and could not be held liable because it was in the contract that the customer was responsible for the documentation.

So, take it from someone with over 20 years in IT. When you outsource technical functions you need to have your technical people vet the contract and you need to keep them to monitor and make sure that the company, you are outsourcing to, does their job.

Comment Re:The Majority Still Has Follow the Constitution (Score 1) 1083

And again, I reiterate what I said earlier. Where do rights come from?

If they come from God, well, the religions practiced by virtually all people worldwide have consistently said throughout their history that such a marriage is not a marriage.

Religions are human-made institutions and thus, unlike God, are fallible. Your confusion of human-made institutions with God is the epitome of hubris. If you believe believe basic human rights came from God then why do you think humans running religions have a right to take them away?

This was the basic point the Founding Fathers were making when using the terms "Nature's God" and "their Creator" in the Declaration of Independence:

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

So what you are saying, that human-made religious institutions can take away inalienable rights bestowed by a Creator or by Nature's God, is the exact opposite of what the Founding Fathers said in their Declaration if Independence.

Comment Re:Boo hoo... (Score 2) 818

In May 1862, Abraham Lincoln overturned an order issued by General David Hunter that would have freed every slave across vast swaths of the southern Atlantic coast.

That was after he was made president and 1 year into the civil war.

He is not the man you think he is and revising history to make him some grand savior is BS.

Comment Re:Boo hoo... (Score 5, Informative) 818

Enemy oppressor?

Every slave ship sailing from Africa to the USA sailed under the US flag.
For over 100 years of slavery, it was all done under the US flag.

Abraham Lincoln won the 1860 presidential election, His name was not even on the ballot in 10 states. There were only 33 states at the time so close to 1/3 of the states did not have him on the ballot and he still won. That was the key that started the whole civil war! An election that even today would cause riots, to have a candidate win when he was not even on the ballot in 1/3 of the states!

Yes racial tensions were high and yes the south decided to make slavery a key point of there cause, but when the Civil war broke out it was not all about slavery. Abraham Lincoln himself was "Anti-Slavery" meaning against slavery's expansion, however he was not calling for immediate emancipation.

"I say that we must not interfere with the institution of slavery in the states where it exists, because the constitution forbids it, and the general welfare does not require us to do so." -- Abraham Lincoln September 17, 1859: Speech at Cincinnati, Ohio

Comment Re:What an amazing surprise! (Score 2) 181

You must be a young kid. Im guessing you dont remember when Ma-Bell ran all the phones in the US and you paid $0.25 a min to call someone that was less than 30 miles away.

Tell me, how much does it cost to call someone 30, 50, or 100 miles away now? Oh wait, it is $0 a min. All from regulating Ma-Bell and having the markets opened.

Kind of killed Phreaking with $0 a min long distance. lol

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