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Comment Re:Sensational! (Score 1) 234

They both reference the exact same study from 02. may: http://arxiv.org/abs/1105.0242
Look at the end of the Techreview article:

Ref: arxiv.org/abs/1105.0242: Deciphering The Measured Ratios Of Iodine-131 To Cesium-137 At The Fukushima Reactors

And the beginning of the Nature article (*cough*blogpost*cough*):

A new analysis posted to the popular physics preprint server ArXiv.org suggests...

The Internet

Submission + - Liverpool UK Trials 200Mbps Powerline Broadband (ispreview.co.uk)

Mark.JUK writes: The United Kingdom (UK) city of Liverpool has announced new plans to trial a superfast version of Powerline Communications (PLC) technology, which makes use of a country's national power grid to send electricity and broadband internet access along the same cables. The new service claims to offer download speeds of up to 200Mbps (Megabits per second) and its trial by Scottish Power should reach 1,000 homes.

However PLC is a notoriously expensive solution and often suffers from regulatory hurdles. The UK government recently expressed concerned about, "the potential impact this may have on radio users, with interference a possibility at higher frequencies. This could include interference to broadcast radio, aeronautical radio and navigation services."

Comment Re:All I have to say is... (Score 1) 859

Your car unexpectedly looses (some) power while making annoying noises. This will not in any way confuse the average idiot driver. Nor will the requirement to push a bloody button unnecessarily remove any focus from the actual high-speed driving.

While a "speed-limit-reminder-thingy" sounds nice, a "speed-limit-reminder-thingy" that interferes with your driving doesn't.

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What this country needs is a good five dollar plasma weapon.
