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Comment Re:On being offended (Score 1) 765

I'd say the last five years of Mozilla, GNOME, et al have pretty well popped that particular fantasy already.

Right. So how much can it hurt to clear out some of the deadwood brogrammers spending their time on dick jokes and let a few budding Grace Hoppers have a go? It's not like there isn't precedent for fresh perspectives having a positive effect on an industry.


Comment Re:Normal women... (Score 1) 765

Certain groups of men, and women, have different mores. What gives you the right to set the public standard of behaviour for everyone?

In this context, I didn't set any public standard. GitHub set a private standard.

Nothing prevents this pudwhack from writing all the software he wants using as many dick jokes as he wants, in private. It only became an issue when he wanted a private organization to publish it for him.

Personally, I'm using my semi-erect penis to simulate a Sikorsky CH-53K King Stallion helicopter as I'm writing this, so clearly, I have no problem with such private behavior.

Comment Re:turn-about isn't just fair-play, it's PROPER pl (Score 1) 765

Pretty much. "Don't be a dick" is the phrase that pays for everyone, everywhere. You want to draw an erect penis on the back of your notebook and show it to your pals at recess, go ahead. If you try to project it onto the facade of the school building, you might have a problem.

Or, "Go ahead and be a dick, but don't piss yourself when there are consequences".

Comment Re:turn-about isn't just fair-play, it's PROPER pl (Score 0) 765

There are projects "just for fun", as well.

So don't cry about it when the people hosting the house party don't find it "fun".

I'm sure the fraternity brothers in Oklahoma thought it was a hoot to sing a little ditty about making sure no black person every can be pledged, but the university hosting the party thought it kind of sucked, so out you go. Just because you think something is fun doesn't mean anyone else has to put up with it. If you want to make your little dick joke software at home, go right ahead. If you try to distribute it using somebody else's shit, don't whine if they tell you to fuck off.

Comment Re:On being offended (Score 1) 765

Is your argument that appropriateness is dependent on your taste?

No, in fact "appropriateness" is dependent upon the people around you. The community if you will. It's a simple concept really. What is "appropriate" socially is not based upon any one person's taste or preference. At heart, it's nothing more than the standards of the community. And you know that you've violated those standards when nobody's laughing at your jokes any more and people are starting to shun you like you've got a dog turd in your pocket. I like to refer to it as the "Cheese Stands Alone Effect". And brother, racists, misogynists, homophobes are nothing but limburger. That's why they have to create little putative "safe havens" like 8chan and Stormfront and neo-nazi organizations and the Westboro Baptist Church. Little communities where they can pretend that that shit is A-OK because a handful of other losers are there to back you up. Good luck with that.

And there's the rub. The "community" has changed, and that bothers a lot of small men, who have come to believe that because they've managed to push someone else out of the tree house, that it's now their tree house. And they're learning the hard way that the ground has shifted under them long ago.

Comment Re:Reminds of of something at a past job (Score 1) 765

How is the enjoyment of dick jokes related to someone's ability to do anything? I know a few chemists and a viral biologist who have the filthiest sense of humour imaginable. (the plural of anecdote is data)

Oh, filthy humor can be very funny and clever. But just saying "dick" a bunch of times is neither. And yes, being stupid is related to someone's ability to do stuff.

What makes this DICSS project especially loathsome is how stupid it is. Stupid is not good way to write software or to go through life.

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