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Comment Re:Lamar Smith, Christian Scientist (Score 4, Insightful) 198

It's funny, but it does appear that knowledge, whether "critical" or not, is simply kryptonite to American conservatives. They get so damn mad when somebody wants to find something out. They all cry "waste" while passing continuing resolution after continuing resolution that funds anything and everything that can possibly make the maximum number of people dead and the maximum number of their friends rich.

Comment Re:I thought Repub's were uncertain about the clim (Score 4, Insightful) 198

Or maybe they just decided that enough money has already been wasted on this junk science, and see it for what it really is.....

You mean the same guys who banned AP History classes because they, "make America look bad"?

And how would Republicans know junk science, anyway? As they are fond of saying when asked about climate change or evolution or vaccinations or whether the Earth revolves around the Sun, "Well, I'm not a scientist". I mean, they're not generals either, but they all sure got an opinion on whether or not we should bomb Iran, ain't they? They're not God, but they sure as shit think they know what "God wants".

Those are the fucking people you trust to know good science from bad science? Jeez louise, I wouldn't trust them to know a graduated cylinder from their fuzzy pink asses.

Comment Re:Is this submission for real?! (Score 2) 198

There are basically three Slashdot submitters that put out this kind of stuff. They're the same ones that put out the, "SJWs are ruining technology!" stories every Friday and the "Boy, those egghead scientists don't know a goddamn thing" stories mid-week.

I noticed the pattern at the beginning of the year, but it probably has gone on longer than that. It's basically click-bait for the Fox News/8chan crowd.

Comment Re:No cuts are ever possible (Score 4, Informative) 198

because every area facing cuts is always "critical".

Like this one?

Over three-quarters of a TRILLION dollars on the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter that,

In 2008, two analysts at the RAND Corporation, a California think-tank that works closely with the military, programmed a computer simulation to test out the F-35s fighting ability in a hypothetical air war with China. The results were startling.

“The F-35 is double-inferior,” John Stillion and Harold Scott Perdue concluded in their written summary of the war game, later leaked to the press. The new plane “can’t turn, can’t climb, can’t run,” they warned.

$59.2B for development, $261B for procurement, $590B for operations & sustainment in 2012

For something that no one in the military actually wants.

Comment Re:Old? Old. (Score 1) 69

What's the Aussie connection to the Windy City?

They think we're all connected to the Mafia, of course. You know, Al Capone and all that stuff. My Italian surname must have fired their imaginations, even though I assured them I hadn't tommygunned anyone in years.

I had (and this is 100% true) one guy ask me if I thought he could get "work" with the Chicago Mob if he came here. He was a big lad with neck muscles that started above his ears and three different women's names tattooed to his arms. I started to tell him it doesn't really work like that, but he was so earnest that I just couldn't break his heart.

The funny part is that these were academics and graduate students at the University of Melbourne. I thought I was hanging with some rugby players or a motorcycle club until one of the guys started talking some graduate seminar he was teaching.

Comment Re:Idiots (Score 1, Insightful) 255

Except you just said, again, that people are talking about Anita's ideas. Are you saying Anita is one of them radical feminists, that she is part of the problem?

I don't agree with this Anita Sarkeesian, but at least she's not smearing the walls with shit and telling people with capital to invest that gaming is just too toxic to invest in.

She said, "Games have ridiculous and oppressive portrayals of women." Well, no shit, Sherlock. Who didn't know that? Except of course, the 200 or so creepy fucks who then decided to get back at her for talking bad about their binkies and became GamerGate.

I've got no time for Anita Sarkeesian, but she wasn't pissing in the swimming pool. GamerGate is so toxic that online companies are working on ways to keep you from spoiling their little dream worlds, and it's going to be a hassle for the rest of us. And then, you dare to try to portray people who are disgusted by you as "antis". Motherfucker, everyone besides you is disgusted by you.

So, as I said, GamerGate is fucking up the Internet for everyone. And just when we'd gotten to the point that games and gaming were starting to become mainstream.

They're the ones you should be mad about, not GamerGate or radical feminists or "me".

When GamerGate decided that shitting on the street was a political statement, then of course fuckwits in Congress and corporate boardrooms were going to figure out how to stop you. Because you don't know how to act.

This is your fault. You were so disgusting that 4chan asked you to leave. Fucking Comic Cons are asking you to leave, and they let any skeevy fucker in those things. For chrissake, the only people in the media who will defend you are disgraced Breitbart losers like Milo who have fucked anyone they've ever worked with. And now, because you fucking don't know how to behave the whole class is going to have to stay after and deal with stuff like this Twitter "abuse" policy.

Fuckers. GamerGate. Honest to god. Get jobs and get the fuck out of the house.

Comment Re:Idiots (Score 0) 255

Quite a few media sites reviewed their policy on ethics in journalism.

No, some sites put up boilerplate "ethics policies" and in doing so co-opted gamergate's entire purported reason for existing.

Gaming has been set back for a generation because the entire gaming industry is now focused on the battle between a bunch of shitposting 8channers and radical feminists. It's like having a romantic dinner for two suddenly interrupted by a gang-fight between clowns and mimes.

Or that there might actually be people who are concerned with ethics in journalism

Ten minutes at the 8chan gamergate hangout teaches you that if such people exist, none of them are part of gamergate.

How hard is it to realize, from the story above and many others, that GamerGate's lack of impulse control is costing people freedom on the Internet? Because of your swatting, child porn, threats and rape fantasies, places that used to be freewheeling are implementing speech lockdowns. The other day, GamerGate was named in the congressional record as a hate group. Because you cucks couldn't help but telling some 2-bit feminists that you were going to rape and kill her, and doing so, on Twitter. All because you couldn't handle Bayonetta 2 getting a 7.5/10.

Just reflect for a moment on what the world thinks of GamerGate after 6 months of your best efforts. How fucking stupid are you?

Comment Re:And when capped internet comes then people will (Score 5, Funny) 286

My kids were eating up a ton of bandwidth watching YouTube videos on their iPods.

I know, right? With their long hair and hippy-hop music. They don't know what it was like in our day, when we had 1 baud modems. We'd start downloading a topless picture of Adrienne Barbeau in April, and if you were really lucky, maybe you got to the nipples by October.

Playing Pong Online was like playing chess by mail. I tell ya, kids just don't know how good they got it.

Comment Working-man's drug (Score 5, Insightful) 407

If there is a drug that will make you more productive to your employer, it will be embraced and encouraged.

If there's a drug that gives you pleasure, but doesn't bring a similar boost to a company's bottom line, it will get you sent to jail.

Let's not pretend that adderall in the workplace isn't just more capitalist social engineering. They'll exploit you any way they can.

Comment Re:Idiots (Score 2, Insightful) 255

Right, just like generalizing and stereotyping games and gamers as a "Choose your own patriarchal adventure" doesn't deserve all the criticism and derision it got.

Sarkeesian was completely unknown and had zero impact on games or gaming until GamerGate started shitting on the floor in fury that someone would dare think critically of games. Screaming and threatening and smearing shit all over the walls, Now she's famous, is taking in foundation money and her ideas are widely discussed among people who are in a position to affect games and gaming.

I hope you're proud you goddamn morons. You've set gaming back by a generation because you have poor impulse control (most likely the result of a poor experience during potty training). Every goddamn body hates you. From the e-celeb drama, it appears you even hate each other. You have become a punchline to a bad joke. Every single "op" or "happening" has either fizzled or has further embarrassed you.

Once you're lumped in with MRAs, child porn, swatting people, white supremacy, online harassment and stalking, you've kind of painted yourself into a corner. A very smelly, unpleasant corner that people try to ignore, like when a passed out drunk craps himself on the subway.

Comment Re:Fear of a dumb planet (Score 4, Insightful) 197

Shit to not be scared of: killer asteroids, ebola, and oh yeah, and homicidal AIs.

While I agree with your post, I am old enough to remember when, a worldwide ubiquitous information network that could be used to track everyone's conversations, correspondence, whereabouts, patterns of consumption and financial habits" was also "shit not to be scared of".

And here we are.

I don't care that there are people trying to take a long view, as long as we don't take them too seriously. Let them dream, let them write down their dreams and it might be of use to someone, someday, even if only as entertainment.

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