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Comment Re:Hiding behind anonymity (Score 1) 183

Since when the fact that a person is not within US jurisdiction has stopped US from action? There are so many options available. One can send a drone, or some rangers and seals, or ask friendly savages in power in some odd country to do something to a person, sending some missiles is also an option. One can twist the law in such a way that everybody is in US jurisdiction - see what happens with FIFA people (they were corrupt and they possibly even deserved what they get actually). One can also just wait and see. World is a village these days. Chances are that a person having such radical views of US reality will visit US one day.

Comment Re:Okaaay. (Score 1) 203

There was a scene in "About Schmidt" where retired manager hands over all the special knowledge to the new guy only for the new guy to throw everything away. The world did not stop indeed.
Having said that - just leaving with not even one hint to the next guy is not very professional. Telling to the direct supervisor that the startup info is in mail account would be good enough me thinks. If they wait 90days to sort out who takes over the info is not that important and even if it is, there is time to find a solution if need be.

Comment Re:A bunch of politicians who won't be around... (Score 1) 298

If not for that they would not have anything useful or good to announce. From what one sees the group is committed mostly to fighting Rusksis because they are evil and should rot in hell especially Putin. But as they have less guts than Reagan had (could not be less reckless really or?) they would not provoke Ruskis they way he did. Or maybe they do, who knows, either way nothing to tell the public so we get this strategic plan announced.
I understand this even. Not even great philosophers had something meaningful to note after every dispute. The bastards at the top shall chat with each other. Makes sense to me. Only they should meet somewhere where costs are limited - almost half a billion for a few days session of chatting is a bit excessive me thinks.

Comment Re:If it were easy (Score 1) 146

So by 'managers' (the good ones that you have) you mean architects that can make technical decisions for you as it would not work any other way.
Also there are plenty of situations in which this is not what is better for the project as usually having a prima donna in a project means more work for some so that you can avoid meetings etc. There some situations where that is optimal but there are more where it is not.

Comment Re: Encryption users agree: (Score 1) 221

Yes and people in Switzerland are extremely unhappy and will revolt any minute.
Oh wait they actually have and use direct democracy as no other nation on earth does - that is they get asked and they answer the important questions on how their communities and federation are to work. Socialism or not - they are closer to an ideal of democracy than US ever were.
A side question: if citizens of a country (majority of them) chose to become socialism (whatever that is) and stay happy with the choice they have made - does this mandate 'liberating' them and using nation state building measures US invasion of Iraq style?

Comment Re:Simplistic (Score 1) 385

If you have a first hand experience of what doctors do then you are a doctor yourself and have skewed perception of that trade. If you are not then you just do not know much about it. It may be a trade but it is a skilled trade and not much software can replace that yet. As with many other things some manual highly skilled work is needed and can be augmented by a lots of automation that could (in theory) slash a huge part of your bill.
As for truly innovative coders - by themselves they cannot do much still, especially that coding by itself is just part of the whole development process.
As for your claim on doctors and teachers pay - I googled a bit because I grew curious. There was a report by this asshat in white house that there are some places where these salaries are on par but there is no report apparently confirming that. See here for reference.
I can see where your ignorance is taken from - I medicate myself and my kids as much as I can and that is much more than any of my neighbuors and colleagues would trust themselves yet as soon as symptoms reach levels I cannot be sure what they indicate I go to a doctor if only to be told to take rest and wait till the sick body cures itself (supported by checks on symptoms that I cannot verify myself like: blood tests, how my throat looks like and other things that I have no clue about). Doctors have as much difficult work as troubleshooters of complex systems that have to judge where fault is on basis of very limited and often confusing information. I can hardly see this being replaced by machines any day soon albeit the automation of some of the tasks can be of great help especially as the knowledge well is so deep today that pulling basket from it maybe beyond reach of a normal human without an intelligent mechanical helpers.
Looking at this then I must conclude that your post is just a nice trolling attempt. Or do you happen to have data confirming your view point? Do not worry if it is long as long as it is well structured.

Comment Re:Yay meaningless prattle on unreadable hipster s (Score 1) 108

Basic course is, I think, not something that one could expect to be interesting for a /.er (ones that would need basic course, and there are many, would have to start with reading comprehension and basic maths first possibly augmented with basic philosophy). There are other courses and if one looks for entertainment like physics content I would look for something like this interview - it is interesting, not to deep for an afternoon after work and not too easy for a curious mind.

Comment Re:Will Technology Disrupt the Song? (Score 1) 158

I do not see a massive contradiction. Artists were always in search for a sponsor. I work for the money too. I like when it makes fun to but if it does not I still do it to pay for the bills and few times in my life I was proud of what I (together with some other slaves like me) achieved. Great artist can make huge amounts of money and produce artwork that are of great value to many people - what is wrong with that? OTOH the majority, the mass will produce mediocre stuff that if they are lucky make them famous for 5seconds. even this will surely be of some nostalgic value for guys few decades away sifting trough mountains of crap that our era produced and for reasons unknown to anybody saved.

Comment Re:E-mail client? (Score 1) 85

The solutions are known more or less, at least to people that want to know. The problem are people that only look at bottom line and at things required of business by law. Maybe it works some other way - I see the odds for it to work are just against it unless somebody makes the cost of such actions necessary. I may be mistaken tho.

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