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Comment Re:What on earth (Score 1) 234

not sure what the fuss is about. I figured out this no problem there albeit I found it awkward as this never actually happens for number of reasons. The other thing is - if one google urugway syndrom now there is a set of references to the website where all the perverts congregate called /.!

Comment Re:Time is money (Score 1) 760

They say that there are lands where you can get into prison for red light crossing. One of those is a leader when it comes to incarceration of its people. The other closes its prisons because society seemed to have adopted to following the rules and re-socializing the criminals. In some you can get few stones thrown at you (till you die). I am sure which system I prefer and that is not the same as one preferred in US of A.

Comment Re:Kaspersky Lab (Score 1) 129

now when you mentioned it - NSA did not prevent anything so far unless we believe what they say and ignore available evidence. It did however managed to motivate other nations too look closer at alternatives where that make sense. Here we go then - Putin's fault again and NSA is his puppet!!! Come to think of it, maybe it is other way around - they invented Putin and jihad to increase their budget??? Either way Putin is firmly in the equation that describes NSA reality.

Comment Re:Godwin (Score 1) 208

Not sure why parent is being demoted - that is one way Nazis could react to this sort of fake aryans. OTOH there is no regime on this earth that does not like to dispense certificates for money.

Comment Re:The Elephant Internet (Score 1) 209

I stand up for watching my pr0n and for my political views and although not quite comfy about it being known to everybody I do not care much. If they want to send me to quarry they will anyway. Fuck NSA and current incarnation of authoritarians. They shall rot in hell together with idiots that make it a business to sell my private data to everybody and any attempt of protection against it, socially conspicuous.

Comment Re:Snowden isn't coming - this is all a ruse (Score 1) 671

Concessions on Ukraine in return for Snowden? I mean get real - US play hard ball on Ukraine and Russia for more than a year now. They played hard ball on Snowden too. Current US government does not see anything wrong with both policies so why would anybody think that changing one being paid by changing another is at all what US government want?

Comment Re:Needs several people to wear them (Score 1) 150

They all surpoassed NKWD and GESTAPO as well as STASI in their efficiency and reach. Considering so called enhanced interrogation and killing of some (mostly wanted) people with drones they are already far ahead. But of course they are working on a license from democratically chosen government albeit one must accept that gerrymandered elections districts in some areas of US democratic system are not really all that democratic and rather unproductive.

Comment optimization (Score 1) 257

Lets face it - the drive to optimize and automate things cannot be stopped and its natural consequence is that most jobs will be optimized out of existence making it the first time in history possible to live off of the rent. This does not have to happen today but some day in the future the automation may come to a stable point.
The question is then who possess it all. The other is what will happen with out-optimized people. I think great SF works show it all - intelligent ones in societies that share and redistribute may have a life of art and science leaving the lower classes to indulging in chemical and technological stimulants.

Possibly you can also have a situation where you just leave the majority to itself. If they have no means and cannot acquire any (no jobs) this will lead to violence.

The other interesting point is this. Automation and optimization is nice but it has a weak spot - it is optimized for a given set of parameters and given ranges. If something major happens the qualities of humans that have not been put into automated infrastructure may be needed to survive changed environment. At the end it is as it always was - something big happens (Toba blows up or 1% goes for soylent green solution etc) and the survivors have earth for themselves.

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