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Comment Someday people will learn... I hope (Score 1) 167

Offline backups and live images.
infected? shut down the network, reboot the image on the system. Restore lost data from offline backups.
Find the hole (likely some dumbass that has already been told 37,000,000 times to quit opening strange attachments- fire them with extreme prejudice), fix it, and put it all back online.

No ransom paid, minimal if any loss, and this trend dies off like it should have the day it was born.

Comment Re:Anyone who believes Wikipedia (Score 1) 264

India is one of the countries where tens of millions of Internet users have free access to Wikipedia Zero, but cannot afford the data charges to access the rest of the Internet, making Wikipedia a potential gatekeeper.

Not sure how you missed that tidbit. When you only have access to Wikipedia, how do you propose investigating the school further? Bearing in mind if you cannot afford internet you sure as hell cannot afford a trip to the school or a PI to gather info on the school and alumni.

Comment Re:OMFG (Score 2) 294

Accountants are still very much in demand. I worked in the energy sector recently, and they have buildings full of accountants taking care of lease and partner payouts from wells and pipelines. My brother's wife is a CPA, and she finds it impossible to be unemployed. As soon as it is even rumored that she may be out of work a line forms at the door to beg her to go work for them.

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