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Comment Why was the EV1 killed the way it was? (Score 1) 229

Seriously, a line of test vehicles that every test driver loved and wanted to buy- likely the best test run of a vehicle model ever. All gathered up and destroyed, including millions in litigation to force the lease owners to abandon their purchase option.

Such actions reek of covering something up. So, statute of limitations is over. Spill the beans. Why?

Comment Re:Just get Kali Linux, it is set up for Pen Testi (Score 1) 205

It is better to set up a virtual server with a wide variety of images in a wide variety of stages of secure. One decent hardware server can run it and hold 4 or 5 images live during testing.

I have hundreds of images in all states of secure- from a heavily STIGed and locked down DoD Server 2008R2 Gold Image to a base unpatched install of Server 2000 with IIS6 for Windows server testing. Same with OS including Mac and linux builds. Cisco images are also important. It does you no good to know the OS if you can't get past the firewall or navigate the network.

Comment Re:M-16? (Score 2) 449

Reagan and the NRA started the whole gun control craze when the Black Panthers started open carry demonstrations teaching black people how to protect themselves. They pushed for and passed the California gun control laws you hate so much to try and disarm blacks.

In 1991 Reagan backed the Brady Bill which placed a 7 day waiting period on purchasing guns and allowed for background checks.

Along with former presidents Ford and Carter, Reagan signed a publicly posted letter backing the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban.

need any more info on Saint Ronnie's anti-gun position?

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Too many people are thinking of security instead of opportunity. They seem more afraid of life than death. -- James F. Byrnes
