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Comment Re:How would you promote job growth (Score 5, Insightful) 238

Easy. The cost of maintaining a country is based on the GDP. If the calculated budget is $100, and you hold 12% of the GDP, your fair share is $12. If someone else holds .01% of the GDP, they owe $.01.

Fair share is not every citizen pays the same. This is no a socialist economy where everyone contributes the same to get the same benefits. Some people hold far more than others, so their fair share is much higher. They also reap far more of the benefits of those taxes. A man that owns 10,000 trucks in a trucking company gets a hell of a lot more benefit than the guy that rides the bus across town to his job at McDonald's.

Comment Re:Libertarians (Score 1) 489

At some point? It IS the point. It is all a whitewash attempt at re-branding the Republican Corpratocracy message. They want the low information voters who are starting to finally shy away from their evil to embrace new ideals while still voting for the same old shit.

Look at the Tea Party candidates from last go round- what they promised and what they actually vote for. They promised Libertarianism but push the same old rich get richer agenda.

Comment Re:Reason: for corporations, by corporations (Score 4, Interesting) 489

FUD is all the Libertarians have. History shows their ideals wrong every time they are tried.

Like any idealism, the ideal is a pure form. Nothing survives first contact with humanity. Our inherent greed, selfishness, and lazyness will corrupt it.
Socialism looks like a utopia on the surface. In reality the lazy people do only as much as they absolutely have to and take all they can get in return. The greedy rise to the top and siphon off the lion's share for themselves.
Capitalism looks like a great economic option. but again, the lazy sink to the bottom and drag down the economy while the greedy hoard all the resources while trying to get the high score on their bank accounts.
Libertarianism looks like a great way for selfish people to kill off the poor and handicapped. But in reality the poor and handicapped are reluctant to be killed off.

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