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Comment Re:"causes fragmented data (Score 2) 68

If data is fragmented over multiple blocks, It requires mulitple reads. But this kind of fragmentation is not as bad as HDD where you had a seek time of 7-8 ms. Matching the block size of the SDD to the block sie of the FS is an effective performance enhancement.

Modern SDD have read limits. Every 10.000 reads or so the data has to be refreshed. The firmware will do this silent.

Comment Re:Autonomous Taxis (Score 2) 301

In some test by the TU delft the autonomous cars test are now foucsing on how the driver takes over from the car. The coming of autonomous cars will come fluent. First there will be advanced lane asist and takeover of tasks that are easy for computers. And of course the driving in a "train" with minimal space between cars. More and more functions will be added.

Fully autonomous will be a long way to go. e.g. to determine the last street where you want to go might be a very hard task. GPS navigations rarely guides you to the exact position, where to park, and the exact house is a complicated task.

Comment Re:Interesting technique and results... (Score 1) 86

Should they flag them? No, flagging too much will cause the users to just ignore the messages. And for most facebook communication http traffic will be just as good as https traffic.

But it should note that the security is as good as http traffic, in other words, do not display a lock.

By the way, think about it, security devices. Security for you? Did you pay those devices? No, it is security for those who pay for the devices.

Comment Re:Who? (Score 1) 245

In addition Inmarsat can surely just also correlate pings from other aircraft with their actual known position to verify their algorithms they have come up with are valid for the MH370 situation where they only have the pings.

I mean, they did do some basic validation like that, right?

In addition I strongly doubt this is the only person to have double checked on the mathematics used, but he's the only one saying its wrong.

Comment Re:Lamepocalypse (Score 1) 293

Together with a bunch of XPcaplipse machine the next Sqlslammer work is waiting on the next unpached vlunebility to hit the internet after May 8.

And from the viewpoint of Slashdot the world as Slashdot knows it. will end without internetnet.

Comment Chicken or the egg. (Score 1) 245

What i have actually know of was the chicken or the egg problem. To get access to their bank account (after a robbery) people needed ID. But to get a new (emergency) ID, the town hall needed money to pay for that. Normally you would know someone to lent the money from, but this person did not have a very good reputation with paying people back.

I myself keep a (medium quality) copy of my drivers license in my car. If i ever get pulled over and forgot my paper i might get of with a warning if i can show the copy.

The value of friends and family is important in such cases.

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