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Comment Re:I don't see the problem. (Score 1) 667

A "terrorist" is anyone who employs terrorism, especially for political aims. So we look up terrorism and we get: terrorism (noun) 1. the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes. 2. the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization. 3. a terroristic method of governing or of resisting a government.

With such a nebulous definition we can classify every armed body in the history of the world as terrorists, if we accept Clausewitz' definition of war as the continuation of politics by alternate means. If you narrow it to include asymmetric "guerilla tactics" style warfare, you don't eliminate that many conflicts; WWII had the French resistance, Vietnam was basically a guerilla fight by the Vietcong, heck, Sherman's March to the Sea in the US Civil War could be considered guerilla tactics from a certain vantage point.

As best I can figure now, "terrorist" is basically a political title to signify a guerilla force with aims running counter to those of the speaker. If the guerilla force is neutral we call them "insurgents" or "militias." If we like them we call them "freedom fighters".

Comment Re:Lighting the road surface sounds stupid (Score 2) 193

Seconded. Frankly, the lighting situation at night is bad enough. Car manufacturers keep uping the brightness of their headlights. Some of the newer models are damn near blinding, even without their high-beams on, at least to me. Suddenly the whole road is glowing? I think I'd probably have to cease driving after dark.

Comment Carriers (Score 1) 107

In all seriousness, what US carriers will let you use this phone? I can't see this being offered in-store to every Joe Friday that walks in off the street (the demand isn't high enough, depressingly) and most carriers like you to buy a particular phone to use on their particular network. How do I go about using one of these (well, two of these) in day-to-day activities?

Comment Re:Pron (Score 1) 194

Alright genius, where do you work for? Better yet, where do you live? Has your government done anything you're not proud of? Comitted any acts you call evil? You chose to pay taxes didn't you? Obviously choosing to give financial support to a government that does things you don't agree with makes you an evil person.

Comment Re:Pron (Score 2, Insightful) 194

Dear God in Heaven, my kingdom for mod points. In a world with so many conflicting moral paradigms, any person on the planet has probably done evil in the sight of some other person on the planet. I'll re-state GPs logic with a few changes. "It is appropriate to criticize the lowest citizen of any country that does evil. What would the Presidents/Prime Minister's/Dictators/Generals/ do if they had nobody to boss? They'd shrivel up and die. Every person who lives in [America / The British Empire / The Roman Empire / The Soviet Union / Iran / Saudia Arabia] is culpable -- same rules apply to any organized evil."

Comment Re:Russia you were so close (Score 1) 284

Traffic controls, a relatively sane marketplace, access to certain basic necessities and certain amenities, not worrying about having to get shot when I walk outside my door, to name a few. A trite and somewhat broad response to your question? Quite so. But when you ask trite and overly broad questions that only marginally relate to the original poster, you should expect some stupid answers. /climbsoffsoapbox

Comment Re:better than FDIC (Score 4, Insightful) 50

Paraphrasing an observation I once heard, the US has a funny way of looking at wealth. If I'm wealthy I made my money fair and square through hard-work, determination, and maybe a pinch of luck, and I deserve to keep my hard-won earnings.. If you're wealthy you're a lying, thieving bastard who exploited someone else and don't really deserve your earnings.

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