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Comment Re:Every forced app is burner-phone only (Score 1) 54

Basically this - anytime someone mandates an app on a phone you can just assume that its a bad actor. Also - having two phones is shockingly easy and affordable now. I had a burner phone with FreedomPop (200 texts, 200mb data, free) for a while. Basically "this only works on wifi" and a Google Voice number. You can turn an old phone into a burner somewhat easily as well.

Comment Re:Watson never understood or got health (Score 1) 17

I work in large-scale education and it was the same thing there at IBM Watson Education - If you imagine a subject - lets just take Volcanoes, shall we:
Volcano content - pics, videos, textbooks, lectures, stuff - how do you get it and manage it?
Volcano supplementary content - hints, tricks, questions, mutliple-choice answers, free-text answer assessment, volcano dialogue
Volcano curriculum map - links to lvl2 Volcano content
Volcano state-approved-assessment - did they get a C or an A? ...
So you talk to the reps and they say "revolutionize education!" and "AI can automatically test and track and teach!" and "partnership with CMU or whoever" ...
Cool - Can you teach Volcano? ...
No, not yet, but if you work with us... ...
Cool - Can you teach ANYTHING? ...
We can teach [small sample project which looks suspiciously like a textbook with quiz questions at the back of the chapter]. ...
Cool - let me know when you are using that AI or whatever. ...
5 years later - Y'all doing the AI Education Watson IBM Revolutionize thing yet? No? Cool. I don't know how the fuck you get paid, but its a good job if you can get it I guess.

Comment Re:This is the Feminists (and leftisit Marxists)Fa (Score 1) 243

> I just want this stupidity to stop before my kids grow up.
Why? The rules changed. Just play by the new rules.

Do a small portion of men get all the dating-app women? Easy enough - be in that category; be a fit/6pack guy with a job and interesting interests who is mysterious enough not to share many personal details.
Are some women excluded because they expect men to ask them out? Easy enough - be more assertive in person. Go to places where (quality) men are and aggressively indicate interest. They left the bar - but they are still at the golf course and on campus.

A woman I know (black, educated, 24+, generally the least desirable dating-app category) has *never* been asked out in her entire life, nor had she asked a guy out. Two immediate observations:
1 - First guy has a 100% chance of acceptance.
2 - She should ask guys out. This had, unbelievably, not occurred to her.

Seriously - just play by the new rules.

Comment Re: Because it's a token gesture (Score 1) 200

Honestly, I think it's like lifting weights. You pick up things a little heavier all the time and then someone comes by and said "oh I could never pick up a weight that heavy". It's like... neither could I... AT FIRST. My old boss put in 80 hours/week of scientific cognitive work. Every. Fucking. Week. Amazing, honestly.

However, like, I think I'll be able to do that in another 10 years.

There a bunch of teens who basically never did the Highschool+job thing looking at a 40 hour week like it's 30% more than the output to which they are accustomed. Meanwhile, theres a bunch of people 10 years on the job looking at 40 hours/week like it's a vacation.

Comment Re:And this is bad, why? (Score 1) 200

Reminds me of the old Ziglar quote:
"You know what's worse than training your workforce and having them leave? Not training them and having them stay."

"I'm sure there's benefit for Amazon somewhere in here" lol. Yea - there is benefit to training your workforce... it is pretty directly "a trained workforce". I bet that some of those workers look up the Amazon hierarchy at the people making double their salary and say "I dunno, maybe I'll major in that."

Comment Re:And this is bad, why? (Score 1) 200

Those clauses always have a "or you owe us the money" clause, which is usually relatively easy to negotiate with the new employer as a "signing bonus"; after all, they are paying for the degree you completed - unlike your current employer which paid tuition for a degree you *might* complete.

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